
Michael E. Hartmann
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Strategic Giving
Michael E. Hartmann is CRC’s senior fellow and director of the Center for Strategic Giving, providing analysis of and commentary about philanthropy and giving. He also co-edits The Giving Review, a joint project of Philanthropy Daily and the Center for Strategic Giving. For more than 18 years, he served in various roles on the program staff of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in Milwaukee, including as its Director of Research.
Before joining Bradley in 1998, Hartmann was director of research at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. He has also been a consultant to other foundations and education-reform organizations.
Hartmann is a past visiting fellow of the Philanthropy Roundtable in Washington, DC, where he researched and wrote Helping People to Help Themselves: A Guide for Donors. He is co-author of the Capital Research Center’s The Flow of Funding to Conservative and Liberal Political Campaigns, Independent Groups, and Traditional Public Policy Organizations Before and After Citizens United, hailed as “an unprecedented study” by RealClearPolicy.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School, Hartmann has also published law-review articles on the constitutionality of school vouchers and aspects of welfare reform, as well as on the First Amendment and intellectual-property rights. He has written for National Affairs, Law & Liberty, City Journal, National Review Online, RealClearPolitics, RealClearPolicy, RealClearBooks, RealClearReligion, Washington Examiner, Philanthropy, Philanthropy Daily, and HistPhil.