The “eco-Right” is the few dozen lobbying, litigation, and activist nonprofits that identify themselves as free market or broadly right-of-center and yet are attempting to rebrand environmentalism and global warming…
The Conservative Case for [Liberal Thing]” is a punchline. These “conservative cases” are drafted by think-tankers in the metaphorical hot-take mines who in many cases are paid to do so…
There’s no shortage of cash for groups pushing global warming policies. New filings reveal funding from major liberal donors to two members of the eco-Right, global warming groups that present…
San Francisco is awash in five things: Homeless people, discarded needles, garbage, human feces, and virtually unlimited cash for the environmental Left. This once great city by the bay is…
After Al Gore, Thomas Fahr Steyer is one of the best-known ultra-wealthy sages of the environmentalist movement. Since diving headfirst into electoral politics—signaling his interest in running for California governor…
On the more moderate end of the San Francisco “green” lagoon is Nathaniel “Nat” Simons, a Bay Area billionaire who made his fortune brilliantly managing hedge funds. Simons is the…
The Energy Foundation is unique as a massive pass-through funder endowed by liberal mega-donors to provide a new source of perpetual funding for the environmental Left. As its name suggests,…
The ClimateWorks Foundation was conceived in 2006 as a joint pass-through project of multiple major grantmaking foundations: the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the…
We have noted with concern a vocal faction of “labor conservatives” who form a “redistributionist right.” They are bent on importing social-democratic European labor relations models into the…
New documents reveal that a number of conservative environmentalist and pro-carbon tax groups are heavily funded by liberal mega-donor John and Laura Arnold, much of it through Arnold Ventures, the…