Those in favor of CRT believe that America is systemically racist and want to push critical race theory lessons in our schools while actively trying to get a black teacher…
Even if critical race theory isn’t explicitly taught in your city or state like it was in my district the essential ideas and concepts of the theory are still there.
It’s shocking the amount of racist hate I have received since I have exposed the lessons containing CRT. Even if you favor critical race theory being taught to our young…
Today’s guest is not the only person to have left California for Florida in the past few years. Kali Fontanilla left her teaching job in Monterey County after her school…
A teachers union has finally found something worthy of breaching the sanctity of seniority and tenure—"social justices," not improving students’ outcomes. Minneapolis Federation of Teachers members struck against the school…
After teachers unions staked their political positions and the future of public education on keeping schools closed—excuse me, open for virtual learning—and students in masks, a “parents revolt” has erupted…
Wokeism has started leeching into the mental health professions, blurring the lines between treating people and enabling them. In fact, the culture of woke in academia is referred to as…
If you thought your children were safe from the Left’s culture war in a private school, think again. Across America, a pandemic of “woke” ideology is quietly spreading through privately…
Don’t be fooled: No school is safe from the radical Left’s ideology of racism, historical revisionism, and hatred. Most parents are familiar with how this disease—dubbed “wokeism”—has conquered public school…
The march of woke ideology through private schools has been somewhat different than its takeover of public schools. Government-run schools are pretty much slaves to the political Left and have…