CRC’s Hayden Ludwig discussed “creation care” and how it is attempting to insert the ideas of the environmental Left into conservative Christian churches. “Creation care” is the Left’s most recent…
Today's "creation care" proponents may market their doctrines to Christians as scriptural, but the funders behind this campaign are the same foundations bankrolling the secular eco-activist groups responsible for the…
CRC's Hayden Ludwig joined host Richard Mendelow to discuss how the Left funds big activist groups, environmental groups, and labor unions to push policies that most people wouldn’t support if…
We are pleased to announce that the November/December 2020 issue of Capital Research is now available online. Hayden Ludwig deconstructs “creation care,” the environmentalist Left’s latest attempt to infiltrate Christian churches. Scott…
If you can’t beat ’em, deceive ’em. For years the environmental Left has tried to infiltrate conservative churches, spreading a “gospel” of global warming, junk science, and radical anti-human ideology…
Evangelical Environmental Network launched with an Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation, a manifesto for the creation care movement signed by a few hundred pastors nationwide. According to the…
The first creation care crusade had one major objective: rebrand global warming—widely perceived as a liberal issue—as “moderate.” If the campaign succeeded, creation care would create a huge, bipartisan coalition…
In 2010, the EEN and National Association of Evangelicals held the first National Day of Prayer for Creation Care to focus on the “impacts of mercury on the unborn .
Creation care has been locked in a kind of stasis for most of the past decade, but there are reasons to believe activists haven’t given up. In fact, they’ve launched…
Creation care is much more than a theological interpretation of climate issues; it’s an entire policy agenda with something to say—and lobby for—on virtually every issue from the way Americans…