The Ford Foundation is an accidental byproduct of bad tax policy and unforeseen consequences. Confiscatory estate tax rates during the first half of the 20th century left one of the…
Sen. Whitehouse’s assertion that the Ford Foundation “doesn’t seem to have much in the way of a political motive or purpose” is contradicted by tens of millions of dollars in…
At least 114 separate Ford Foundation grants, totaling almost $65 million, were given over the previous five years to the New Venture Fund. In Sen. Whitehouse’s classification system, each one…
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) has ties to deep-pocketed organizations in Washington, DC, that run far deeper than Soros’s funding and extend back a decade. LUCHA was formerly…
For the increasing unaffordability of housing in much of America, observers offer a variety of explanations and remedies. Numerous factors are at play. The housing market is, after all, a…
At a time when the Left is reclassifying almost everything as “infrastructure” it should come as no surprise that someone would recall President Franklin Roosevelt’s public work relief program, the…