Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has been rightly criticized for driving the politicization of American business, and it is hard to think of a more politicized method of evaluating corporations…
Robert G. Eccles is an influential advocate of woke ESG investing. But now he says that he wants a “truce” in what he calls the “Red State/Blue State ESG Culture…
We’ve discussed “woke capital” on the podcast before with author Stephen Soukup and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. But now we turn to a related topic: Environmental, Social, and Governance — “ESG”…
Last year, we had author Stephen Soukup on the podcast to discuss his book The Dictatorship of Woke Capital: How Political Correctness Captured Big Business. In recent months, “woke capital”…
The most important fact about woke cancellation is that it rarely if ever arises from individual action. Organized institutions carry out the famous firings and relegations. “Internal mobs,” sometimes aided…
Organized institutions carry out the famous firings and relegations. “Internal mobs,” sometimes aided and abetted by the labor unions, enforce the ideological line. Institutions that have not purged dissenters have…
Even the institutional supports that the Left enjoy would not be enough to turn courage into casualties without powerful weapons. When action against a primary target is ineffective, woke groups…
Where private action has not yet forced compliance with woke ideology, our adversaries bring the power of the state to bear. Unencumbered by notions of constitutional propriety, federalism, or local-state…
While conservatives chafe under the threat of censorship and “de-platforming” by Big Tech companies, liberals are pressuring Congress to make the left-wing industry even more left wing through “equity audits,”…