In December 2021, we began to assess the tax filings related to “Zuck bucks”—Mark Zuckerberg’s gift to the 2020 election to help tilt the vote toward Biden—and received a great…
A new academic study, coauthored by CRC's Hayden Ludwig, is the first to analyze the far-reaching impact of billionaire mega-donor George Soros’s U.S.-based Open Society Foundations in the civil society…
By its own terms, Donald T. Critchlow’s In Defense of Populism: Protest and American Democracy generally “provides less a taxonomy of populists grassroots movements,” though it does do that, “than…
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) has ties to deep-pocketed organizations in Washington, DC, that run far deeper than Soros’s funding and extend back a decade. LUCHA was formerly…
Beyond the Biden administration’s string of unforced errors that have helped create and exacerbate the crisis on the U.S. southern border are organizations and people using the migrants as pawns…
America has always had its patricians, but as the word suggests, they saw themselves as patriotic “fathers” of their country, and their wealth and prestige were tied up in their…
So which politically active organizations are the biggest beneficiaries of community foundation money? To sift through tens of thousands of grants and avoid cherry-picking recipients, we identified nonprofits that are…
Community foundation grants ultimately originated with (mostly) anonymous donors, not the community foundations themselves, which serve as conduits for donor-advised-fund account holders. The largest community foundation givers on this list…
Who does philanthropy serve? Until we answer that question—one that our forebears understood—community foundations, private foundations, and 501(c) groups are immaterial. Philanthropos is the love of mankind rooted in the…
If Big Tech didn’t know it had run afoul of almost everyone, the latest effort from the progressive-Left wing of American political influencers ought to clear up any confusion. Via…