Myths are an ever-present ingredient in promises made by the wind and solar energy industry. The magic can turn to farce when gullible media tries to make sense of it.
Living near nuclear, natural gas, or coal-fired power stations is comparably boring compared to living near wind turbine farms. The "rare events" of wind turbine failures include spectacular fires, tower…
At present, about 18 million people live in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia and use about 227 million MWh of electricity per year. Wind power would…
The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) is a little known lefty climate advocacy nonprofit that wants industrial society to run on weather-dependent wind and solar energy and . .
In 1974, the media began broadcasting warnings of an impending ice age. Today, we are supposedly being threatened by end-of-the-world catastrophic global warming. Which end-of-the-world scenario should we believe? Or…
The fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from…
Al Gore’s rants have only grown more maniacal as time progresses. But they are only one example. The Left is demanding that something must be done right now to avoid…
The global warming fanatics often show pictures of smokestacks billowing black smoke to suggest massive air pollution from CO2. Never mind that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas…
The war on cars is not a war on internal-combustion cars for the benefit of electrics; it is a war on all cars, Teslas and Toyotas alike. Even electric cars,…
Environmentalism has always offered a dark vision of our future—either return to the Stone Age or go extinct—but many Americans are only now wising up to its anti-human streak, thanks…