Scott Walter Talks About Arabella with Tim Jones and Chris Arps

Scott Walter Discusses his latest book, Arabella, on Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show. The Arabella Network is organized with the for-profit consulting firm Arabella Advisors at the top, while underneath it exists half-a-dozen nonprofit entities that are managed by the firm. Below these 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s exist over 500 small projects acting as grassroots movements seeking to influence policymakers and the public that are controlled by the nonprofit groups.

Scott Walter Talks About Arabella with Brian Thomas

Although relatively unknown in the public eye, the Arabella Network's influence is felt within the electoral and political landscapes. Arabella Advisors is itself a for-profit consulting firm that manages six nonprofit organizations which have created hundreds of pop-up projects acting as grassroots organizations.

InfluenceWatch Friday

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