CRC in the News

Parker Thayer Discusses “Zuck Bucks” and Wisconsin Elections with Jesse Kelly

Parker Thayer on Jesse Kelly Show

On April 1, CRC’s Parker Thayer appeared on the Jesse Kelly Show to talk about “Zuck bucks” and their impact on past and upcoming elections within the state of Wisconsin.

It was around 2020 when Facebook and Meta founder Mark Zuckerburg launched a $400 million venture to assist election offices with administering the election that year. However, the Zuck bucks from this venture by the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) were merely a push to encourage get-out-the-vote and vote-by-mail initiatives to help Democrat candidates within the state. On the ballot during Wisconsin’s primary election on Tuesday, April 2, included a vote on a state constitutional amendment barring election officials from requesting private funding. Even when both the state’s house of representatives and senate jointly approved a piece of legislation that would do the same thing, WI Governor Tony Evers vetoed it.


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Parker Thayer

Parker Thayer is an Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. A native of Michigan, he recently graduated from Hillsdale College.
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