
    The Affordable Housing Religion

    BB&T CEO John Allison believes a “religious belief in affordable housing” led the government to create the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, and during the Clinton administration to a massive expansion of Fannie Mae and…

    Borrowing Our Way Out of Debt

    What no politican will say: “American consumers are awash in debt, drowning in it. This is the fundamental issue with the stimulus proposal. We’re trying to borrow our way…

    An Icy Reception for Gore

    Amidst freezing rain that forced closure of some local schools, Al Gore was on Capitol Hill today trying to bolster his global warming investment portfolio. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)…

    ACORN Porkulus Bill Passes House

    The House passed the disgusting, pork-laden $825 billion-plus so-called stimulus bill and ACORN bailout by a closer than expected margin of 244 to 188. No Republicans voted for it. The…

    Taxpayer Subsidized Lobbying.

    Who said this? “Nobody mentioned that you are giving up your Constitutional right to petition the government” when you accept federal tax dollars. Nan Aron? Independent Sector? Nope. It’s Edward Yingling, president…

    SarahPAC Launched

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a Republican who was Sen. John McCain’s running mate in November, has started a federal political action committee called SarahPAC, AP reports. The PAC explains…