
    Catalyst for Foundation Reform Dies

    The death of financier Louis Wolfson, whose dubious foundation payments to Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas led to the Justice’s resignation in 1969, was reported yesterday [and here]. Wolfson was…

    Billionaires for Big Government

    The January 2008 edition of CRC’s of Foundation Watch looking into the workings of the Democracy Alliance is now available here. We have also taken a look at where Democracy Alliance…

    Foundations and School Choice

    Rick Cohen, of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, released a report earlier this month analyzing the role of conservative foundations in the “school privatization movement.” Though the…

    The Clinton Connection

    Today’s Washington Times has a fascinating article by Donald Lambro on Senator Hillary Clinton’s close ties to two hard-driving left-wing nonprofits — the Center for American Progress and Media…

    The Bush Faith-Based Initiative: Why It Failed

    Robert Woodson is one of the godfathers of the Bush Administration’s faith-based initiative. As president of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Woodson has been a great proponent of tenant-management and tenant-ownership…