CRC in the News
Kali Fontanilla Discusses Critical Race Theory on the Dr. Phil Show
Kali Fontanilla on the Dr. Phil Show

CRC’s Kali Fontanilla appeared on the Dr. Phil Show to discuss critical race theory being taught in public schools. While working as a teacher in California, she found out that many of her students were failing their ethnic studies class. Concerned, she looked at the course materials for the ethnic studies class and was shocked by how much they focused on race, including a privilege quiz on the fifth day of class. She spoke out against this, and the response was surprising, vile, and hateful and included multiple threats of violence and attempts to get her fired: “If you’re wondering whether or not critical race theory is a good thing for our country, start speaking against it and see how people treat you because that’s when the real racism starts.”
Dr. Luke Wood, professor of education at San Diego State University, presented counterarguments.
We’ll let you decide who’s more persuasive.
The clip below starts with Dr. Phil’s introduction of Kali.