Brooke Orr, the protagonist of Rumaan Alam’s captivating recent novel, Entitlement, lands what she thinks is a great new job as a program officer at a big New York philanthropic foundation. The…
Concerned parents have no choice but to be involved in their children's education. Gone are the days of dropping kids off on the first day of school and trusting that…
If you want a textbook example of teachers union corruption, look no further than the gold standard for scandal and failure: the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). In 2023, there were…
Since its inception, sex education classes in our public schools have been a source of controversy. This fight over the sex education of our children has become more intense than…
Then came the 1960s and the Sexual Revolution. Many attribute the Sexual Revolution to the birth control pill approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1960. At the…
It is often assumed that kids want less rules, more freedom, more sex, etc. But that’s not what I heard from students as a public middle school teacher. They hated…
Rather than push pleasure-based fringe perversions on children who don’t want it, schools should go back to what sex ed was originally designed for, such as the Family Life Education…
Left-leaning math instructors have bought into the ridiculous ideology that “rigid” (and practical) math instruction is “white supremacist” and has been set up to “oppress” minorities. Since practically everything is…
I taught professionally for 15 years, focusing my career on teaching English language learners and those behind in reading. I planned on staying in my tenured position as a public…
Kali Fontanilla, former California high school teacher and Capital Research Center senior research fellow, talks about the absolute failure of Common Core, the surge of home schooling, the attempts to…