The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties to use this research in future reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.
Nonprofit organizations are generally not parliamentary democracies governed by their staffs. That did not stop the Southern Poverty Law Center’s unionized workers from holding a “no-confidence vote” in SPLC president…
The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties to use this research in future reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.
Left-leaning math instructors have bought into the ridiculous ideology that “rigid” (and practical) math instruction is “white supremacist” and has been set up to “oppress” minorities. Since practically everything is…
In 1983, Congress passed the bill creating a federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the third Monday of January. The federal holiday was first observed on January 20,…
The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties to use this research in future reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.
All government unions are profoundly harmful, but the most damaging are the teachers’ unions. Since 2020, they have lobbied and agitated successfully to keep kids out of schools—and keep their…
“The teachers unions have more influence on the public schools than any other group in American society.”[2] The rules under which schools operate are shaped by union demands in collective…
Government unions differ from those in the private sector in many ways, but foremost is that described by Terry Moe: “By participating actively in electoral campaigns…and by using their members,…
Teachers’ unions are writing the playbook of the hard left. The Freedom Foundation obtained Racial Justice in Education, an internal document published in 2018 by the National Education Association. It…