
    Conyers Urges ACORN Probe

    House Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers, an outspoken liberal, is calling for a congressional probe of the radical direct-action group ACORN. Conyers’s proposal came on the same day as Judiciary’s subcommittee on…

    JournoList: The Liberal Echo Chamber

    Prominent left-wing journalists get together and collaborate on story ideas at a secret online gathering place called JournoList, the Politico reports. Members deny that the listserv is some kind of left-wing cabal…

    ACORN Involved in 2010 Census

    ACORN, the radical direct-action group that excels at bringing the dead, illegal aliens, people who have already voted, and minors to the polls, is seeking to take its ballot box-stuffing…

    ACORN Scores a Federal Judge

    Giving the term judicial activism new meaning, President Obama has nominated an ACORN loyalist to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, the Chicago Tribune reports. David…

    Green Blinders

    Many environmental groups, like NRDC, are pushing hard for China to go “green.”  Apparently China is doing so… by “raping” Borneo’s forests. Borneo is probably powerless to block…

    Finally Drilling ANWR?

    In today’s Los Angeles Times: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Monday he would consider tapping oil from Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by drilling outside its boundaries if it…