
InfluenceWatch Podcast #94: Activists Shut Down London’s Subway

In this episode, radical environmentalists think shutting down the London Underground is somehow a good idea, Demand Justice demonstrates that its idea of “justice” is just liberal politics, and we provide an update on major labor news, as UAW and GM reach a tentative deal, the Chicago Teachers Union strikes again, and the unions push for their wish list in Congress.

Listen to “Episode 94: Activists Shut Down London’s Subway” on Spreaker.

  • Daily Mail: Extinction Rebellion CANCELS plan for Gatwick demo after furious East London commuters drag them off roof of Tube train and rough them up
  • Washington Post: Environmentalists make good movie villains because they want to make your real life worse
  • Influence Watch: Extinction Rebellion
  • Capital Research Center: Unabombers Without Bombs
  • Daily Caller News Foundation: A SCOTUS Shortlist For 2020 Dems Includes An Anti-ICE Prof And A Judge Who Compared Trump To George Wallace
  • Influence Watch: Demand Justice
  • Wall Street Journal: Left of Obama
  • Capital Research Center: InfluenceWatch Podcast Episode #81
  • Detroit News: UAW-GM contract offers $11,000 bonus, pay raises, no change in health care
  • CNBC: UAW touts ‘major gains’ — but has won few breakthroughs
  • Fox Business: Chicago teachers go on strike: Here’s what they want
  • Illinois Policy Institute: Chicago Teachers’ Strike, Salary Demands Ignore What Chicagoans Can Afford
  • Capital Research Center: Government Unions after Wisconsin
  • Capital Research Center: Progressive Labor Plans to Drag U.S. Economy Back to 1946
  • Influence Watch: Taft-Hartley Act
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute: The Case against the Protecting the Right to Organize Act
  • Tags:  podcast

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