
InfluenceWatch Podcast #310: Big Labor Then, Now, and in the Future

Have you ever wondered how and why Big Labor became such a driving force in American politics, and how it’s come to be associated with the American left and the Democrat party? Many may be surprised to learn that in the Trump-era – for lack of a better expression — some conservatives have begun embracing labor unions, and unions have, in return, begun openly donating to Republican politicians. But when one learns the history of the public and private labor union sector in this country, it’s immediately apparent that Big Labor has always been all over the map ideologically, and that political twists and turns are actually the norm rather than the exception. I’ll be interviewing the regular host of this podcast today, who also happens to be our labor expert here at CRC, Michael Watson, on a five-part history of Big Labor he recently published at our website. Sitting third chair today is CRC Special Projects researcher Robert Stilson, who will have a few questions of his own.

Listen to “Episode 310: Big Labor: Then, Now, And In The Future” on Spreaker.

Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee was born and raised in Atlanta, Ga., but found herself drawn to Washington, DC, the birthplace of her mother, after completing a master’s degree in public administration from…
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Robert Stilson

Robert runs several of CRC’s specialized projects. Originally from Indiana, he has a B.A. from Hanover College and a J.D. from University of Richmond School of Law, where he graduated…
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Michael Watson

Michael is Research Director for Capital Research Center and serves as the managing editor for InfluenceWatch. A graduate of the College of William and Mary, he previously worked for a…
+ More by Michael Watson

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