
InfluenceWatch Episode 319: The Purpose of Sex Ed

Note: This episode contains discussions of subjects that may not be suitable for children. Parental discretion is advised.

Everybody’s doing it—sex education. And as American sexual mores have grown more permissive, the organizational institutions devising sex education curriculums have pushed the Overton Window of sexual permissiveness to its maximum. Joining us to discuss the rise of contemporary sex education and the institutions behind it is Kali Fontanilla, Senior Fellow at the Capital Research Center.

Listen to “Episode 319 – The Purpose of Sex Ed” on Spreaker.

Kali Fontanilla

Kali is serving as CRC’s Senior fellow, particularly focusing on topics related to K-12 public education. She has 15 years of experience as a credentialed educator working in public and…
+ More by Kali Fontanilla

Parker Thayer

Parker Thayer is an Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. A native of Michigan, he recently graduated from Hillsdale College.
+ More by Parker Thayer

Michael Watson

Michael is Research Director for Capital Research Center and serves as the managing editor for InfluenceWatch. A graduate of the College of William and Mary, he previously worked for a…
+ More by Michael Watson

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