Foundation Watch
CRC Research on George Soros and the Open Society Foundations
Today is billionaire George Soros’s 90th birthday. By any measure, he has lived a remarkable life.
Born Schwartz György in Hungary on October 12, 1930, he survived the successive Nazi and Soviet occupations of Hungary, escaping from behind the Iron Curtain in 1947 to the United Kingdom, where he studied at the London School of Economics. He worked various jobs in the financial sector, eventually starting his own hedge funds, which made him his billions.
He then turned his attention and his wealth to promoting his ideas of “open society” around the world, often by supporting progressive and liberal causes. He is an avowed anti-communist. Authoritarian regimes such as Putin’s government condemn him, yet he is not a friend of Western liberal democracy. The right-of-center sharply criticizes him, and progressives and Left generally welcome his support, albeit with some suspicion.
On the occasion of his birthday, we review some of the recent CRC and InfluenceWatch research into the man and his Open Society Foundations—and the massive influence they wield in the United States and throughout the world:
- Shane Devine, “A Peek into the Mind of George Soros,” April 2. 2020. A review of In Defense of Open Society (2019) by George Soros.
- Shane Devine, “George Soros in His Own Words,” InfluenceWatch Podcast #115, April 17, 2020. Devine discusses his research in writing “A Peek into the Mind of George Soros.”
- Shane Devine, “Soros Aims to Transform the Justice System by Funding DA Races,” December 17, 2019. A review of Soros’s efforts to change the U.S. justice system by donating to progressive candidates running for district attorney positions across the country.
- Hayden Ludwig, “Mapping the Open Society Network on Soros’s 90th Birthday,” August 12, 2020. A look at Soros’s nonprofit empire.
- Neil Maghami, “Whither the Soros Foundations—After Soros?,” February 14, 2018. An assessment of the prospects for the Soros dynasty after George Soros.
- Jon Rodeback, “George Soros: The Face Behind the Caravans?,” February 26, 2020. An exploration of the roles that U.S.-based nonprofits and George Soros played in instigating, organizing, and funding the migrant “caravans” from Latin America to the United States.
- George Soros
- Open Society Foundations (OSF)
- Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF)
- Soros Network (Open Society Network)