
    California in La La Land: Part 1

    Voters in California, a state with a crushing 12.5 percent unemployment rate (well above the national average), on November 2nd rejected…yes, rejected, Proposition 23, which would have relaxed the state’s job killing environmental regulations until the…

    Jobs Picture Still Bleak, Despite Gains

    A private sector increase of 159,000 jobs, offset slightly by a loss of 8,000 government jobs, resulted in a net gain of 151,000 jobs in October.  Not bad, certainly, but not great either, considering that,…

    Flight Attendants Reject Unionization

    The Association of Flight Attendants suffered a setback on November 3, when attendants for Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines by a narrow majority voted against union representation.  Joanne Smith, senior vice…

    Unions and the Election: A Mixed Bag

    Despite spending some $200 million in support of liberal politicians across the country, Big Labor was unable to save the House of Representatives for the Democrats, or to prevent conservatives from making…

    CRC in Pajamas Media

    From my latest Pajamas Media column “Liberalism’s Moral Bankruptcy Has Bankrupted America:” Liberal policies fail practically because they are morally defective — they discourage the recognition of individuals qua individuals,…

    CRC in The Washington Times

    From my October 13 Washington Times column “America’s Liberals Are Happily Arming Osama bin Laden:” America’s enemies are attracted to the arguments and rhetoric of the elite Western…