
Election Day Puts Cap on Cap and Trade Congressmen

The voters turned with a vengeance on politicians who had voted for the economically ruinous cap and trade legislation.  Over two dozen legislators who supported the energy taxing scheme were ousted by on November 2nd, including Rep. Rick Boucher, a 14-term Virginia Democrat.  The POLITICO explained the significance of Boucher’s loss:

Boucher’s defeat is perhaps the most stinging given the central role he played in brokering key pieces of the [cap and trade] legislation to make it more friendly to his home state’s coal industry. Over the last 18 months, Boucher has defended his work on the climate bill…

Mistake number 1 – promoting cap and trade.  Mistake number 2 – defending it in an election year.   As former Boucher chief of staff Andy Wright confessed:

I don’t think there’s any question about it, cap and trade was the issue in the campaign…If Rick had voted no, he wouldn’t have had a serious contest.

Tags:  activism

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