If you enjoy being lectured by Al Gore, you’re going to love this: The global warming prophet announced he’s going to subject the American viewing public to $300 million in…
Your ability to father children in exchange for a speedy gun permit. Does this sound like a good deal to you? According to the Saturday Washington Times article, “India…
(The below blog post, which was posted on NewsBusters, has gotten some attention, so I’m cross-posting it below on the Capital Research Center blog. Someone posted a press release about it…
Another left-wing boot camp has arrived on the scene and it’s a spinoff of MoveOn.org, the radical group created to rationalize Bill Clinton’s presidential peccadillos. As reported by “Alyson”…
There is a Philadelphia think-tank that does research on class action lawsuits–and, no fooling, its trustees and funders are plaintiffs’ attorneys. The most prominent are Bill Lerach and his former firm, Milberg…