
    Preservation Fetishists

    Preservation fetishists are demanding that Wal-Mart not build a new supercenter on a site that is a full mile away from a Civil War battlefield in Virginia, AP reports. There’s…

    Illegals in Public Housing

    A recent news report indicates that public housing is inhabitated by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. They’re doubly illegal in a sense: illegal because they don’t have immigration…

    Green Bible

    A pandering publisher has come out with a “Green Bible” that highlights parts of the Bible that supposedly mandate protecting the Earth. Environmentalism is already a religion —cult might…

    Thomas Frank Wrong Again

    Anti-capitalist zealot Thomas Frank‘s latest column in the Wall Street Journal is pure drivel. He dishonestly blames the current financial instability on laissez-faire capitalism. The problem is America doesn’t…

    Gloom and Doom from Russia

    Russian academic Igor Panarin is predicting that the United States will split up into several different nations in 2010, the Wall Street Journal reports today. The article states: “There’s a…

    Madoff’s Victims

    The New York Times has been compiling a running list of the clients/victims of liberal philanthropist and con man Bernard Madoff. It is available here. Madoff’s up to $50…