
    ACORN’s Stimulus

    I have an article in the American Spectator today called “ACORN’s Stimulus.” Here are the top three paragraphs: With a new president ensconced in the White House, it’s time…

    Obama’s Little Red Book

    Well, actually it’s blue, but that doesn’t diminish the Pocket Obama‘s creepy resemblance to Mao’s Little Red Book. The Pocket Obama, according to the History Company, is Printed in…

    Kennedys Hating Paterson

    The House of Kennedy is furious that New York Gov. David Paterson refused to create Caroline Kennedy a U.S. senator thus denying Kennedy her birthright, the New York Post…

    Matt Damon versus Bill Kristol

    Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol has agreed to debate Hollywood liberal Matt Damon, Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood reports. After Kristol said Americans should be grateful to President George W.

    Good Green News

    Environmentalist icon James Lovelock thinks carbon trading is a scam. Meanwhile, the American public doesn’t give a damn about global warming. Perhaps someone should tell Al Gore.