National Review’s David Freddoso is now writing the first book we know of that actually takes a hard look at Barack Obama’s history and what he stands for, the Politico…
Americans for Prosperity reports that officials on Al Gore’s home turf (Nashville, Tennessee) were giving AFP grief over launching a hot-air balloon the group already received legal permission to…
After making a fool of himself during GOP primary season, liberal Mike Huckabee just can’t keep his foot out of his mouth. Now the former Arkansas governor who would have…
Much has already been written of the U.S. Supreme Court’s lawless, nonsensical decision in Boumediene v. Bush, the ruling that gives America’s terrorist enemies unprecedented access to our civilian…
“Meet the Press” host Tim Russert, who died of a heart attack today, was one of those rare journalists who was able to separate his personal views from his…
Writer Mary Kapp attended the Hudson Institute’s symposium yesterday at which Victor Davis Hanson, who received a 2008 Bradley Prize at the Kennedy Center last night, gave a talk. She…
The Hudson Institute’s William A. Schambra (who is Director of the Institute’s Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal) wrote an insightful op-ed, “Philanthropy’s Jeremiah Wright Problem,” that ran in the…
Al Gore is a liar. We have proof. Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters reports that Al Gore’s investment firm, Generation Investment Management (GIM) has acquired a significant stake in a…
We had a memorable “Organization Watch” show yesterday. Our guests were author Timothy P. Carney, who spoke about USCAP (United States Coalition Action Partnership), a coalition of big businesses and…