Special Report
Pro-Terrorism Groups: F–M
Appendix A

Pro-Terrorism Groups in the Anti-Israel Protest Movement
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1–B | C–E | F–M | N–S | T–Z
Fayer Collective
Fayer Collective is a Jewish anarchist group in Georgia that is focused on combating Israel and the police. Its website hosts materials about violent and destructive activities, particularly regarding how to battle law enforcement.[1]
One of them speaks fondly of the October 7 attacks as a “surprise offensive.” It emphasizes that “activists living in the colonial core have the power to directly disrupt the functioning of the institutions and war profiteers who benefit from genocide in Gaza.”[2]
The guide expresses support for Palestine Action U.S.’s destructive acts aimed at companies linked to Israel’s military. It republished a map of recommended targets created by Palestine Action U.S.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization[3]
FRSO identifies itself as a communist party based on Marxist-Leninism.[4] It unequivocally supports the October 7 attacks, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. On October 9, it said:
The Palestinian resistance is dealing a heavy blow to the Israeli apartheid state. The decades of oppression, humiliation and callous cruelty by the occupiers of Palestine are being answered in the only language oppressors truly understand.
Operation Al Aqsa Flood, the coordinated military response of the resistance, has changed the calculus of one-sided wars. In the past, Palestinian protesters marched from Gaza to exercise their right to return to their homes. Zionist snipers laughed as they killed and maimed the kids and elders. That day is over. Forever. The Palestinian resistance has arrived with bulldozers to remove the barbed wire and have used motorized hang gliders to cross the separation barrier. This is a good turn of events, and everyone who yearns for justice needs to stand with the Palestinian resistance. It’s the right thing to do….
…Israel, the U.S. government, and much of the media promotes the idea that the Palestinian resistance is somehow ‘terrorist.’ Nothing could be further from the truth. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and so many others represent the aspirations of a free people, Palestinians who insist on the end to occupation. Freedom Road Socialist Organization rejects the notion that freedom fighters are ‘terrorists.’ We are proud to stand with the resistance.[5]
Goyim Defense League
Goyim Defense League is a pro-Nazi white supremacist group that engages in blatantly anti-Semitic protests and runs an anti-Semitic video sharing platform called GoyimTV.
Its leader, Jon Minadeo, praised Hamas’s October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks on Israel,[6] writing, “PALESTINIANS ARE KILLING THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. God bless these brave men of Palestine.”[7]
HANA Center
The HANA Center, based in the Chicago area, expressed its support for the October 7, 2023, attacks on October 16. Its Instagram post says:
Last week was #IndigenousPeoplesDay and let us remember settler colonialism is not a concept of the past. Palestinians have taken actions to resist Israeli Occupational Forces and end the 16-year long open-air prison in Gaza…
We stand with the people of Palestine and call for an immediate end to Israeli apartheid and occupation of Palestine to achieve peace and ceasefire. All the walls have got to go from Palestine to Mexico! Resistance is justified, when people are occupied![8]
The second slide in the post has a photo glorifying the October 7 attacks showing Hamas using a bulldozer to rip down the security fence that was preventing its terrorists from crossing the border and massacring the adjacent Israeli communities.[9] The final slide has the phrase “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” that refers to the genocidal objective of destroying Israel’s existence as a country.[10]
Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine
The coalition’s April 24 announcement that it had established the Harvard University Liberated Zone stated, “The Palestinian people, like all oppressed peoples, have a right to resist their annihilation. We hold this to be a precondition for Palestinian liberation, as we do the inalienable right of return, a fundamental value that challenges and denaturalizes the colonial fragmentation of the Palestinian community.”[11]
It also called for the destruction of Israel by saying, “There can be no equivocation: Palestine is occupied from the Sinai to the Galilee, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”
Healthcare Workers for Palestine
Healthcare Workers for Palestine nationally and its New York City chapter coauthored a collaborative post promoting an anti-American rally on the Fourth of July holiday in 2024.[12] It was co-authored with the pro-Hamas extremist groups, Within Our Lifetime, Bronx Antiwar Coalition, No Tech for Apartheid, and Uptown for Palestine.[13]
The text aligns the authors with those “resisting” the U.S. in places like Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Kashmir, which means they are in alliance with the theocratic Iranian regime, the Iran-backed Assad dictatorship in Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and Pakistan-backed jihadist terrorists in Kashmir.
It then endorses a quote from so-called freedom fighter Leila Khaled, a PFLP terrorist who is best known as being the first woman to oversee the hijacking of an airplane, that calls for “strike[s]” against the U.S anywhere and everywhere. It reads:
As Palestine resists the most intense period of the U.S.-backed genocide since 1948, Congo, Syria, Sudan, Lebanon, Yemen, Haiti, Kashmir and countries all across the world continue to resist U.S. imperialism. July 4th is not a day to be celebrated while the U.S. wraps its hands around the necks of the world in the pursuit of hegemony, resources and exploitation. As Palestinian freedom fighter Leila Khaled explains, “Any strike anywhere against US imperialism is a step towards freedom.”
Houston for Palestinian Liberation
Houston for Palestinian Liberation has posted content glorifying Hamas and terrorism against Israel.
On July 25, 2024, Houston for Palestinian Liberation held a “Killer Kamala Out of Houston” rally to show that Vice President Harris and other “genocidal politicians” are not welcomed in the city. The group posted a video showing its protest attendees chanting, “No peace on stolen land when people are occupied! Resistance is justified when people are colonized!”[14]
The group posted pictures of a protest it organized in front of the White House in June 2024. It chose to showcase a photo of a Hamas supporter simulating beheading President Biden.[15]
It also posted photos showing at least two protesters with Hamas-associated green headbands and a sign saying, “Resistance against occupation is a human right,” which is one of the slogans used to justify the October 7 attacks and other anti-Israeli acts of terrorism.[16] It also highlighted signs created by the ANSWER Coalition calling for the release of all Palestinian “political prisoners,” a term that is used to refer to imprisoned terrorists.[17]
Another video opens by showing a banner held[18] by the Houston chapter of Al-Awda,[19] another pro-Hamas group, that reads “The key to return is resistance” and has the upside-down red triangle that is used to signify support for Hamas’s targeting of Israelis (the symbol is used in Hamas propaganda videos to identify who it is targeting in combat footage).
Houston for Palestinian Liberation also posted a celebratory video showing an American flag being taken down and replaced with a Palestinian flag at an anti-Israel protest in Washington, DC, in July 2024.[20]
If Americans Knew (IAK) immediately reacted to the October 7 invasion by Hamas and its allies by calling it a surprise attack by “the Palestinian resistance” on its Israel-Palestine News website.[22]
It published an article by author Jamal Kanj on October 9 that admired how the “latest battle has also demonstrated the unmatched bravery of the Palestinian fighters who went fishing for Israeli soldiers hiding inside the most expensive, and most sophisticated military tanks.”[23]
The piece criticized the media for describing the attacks as “terrorism” and describing the Israelis who were kidnapped and brought into Gaza as being “hostages.”
IAK’s pride in the attack seeps through in what sounds like a self-congratulatory tone:
Israel had described its daily incursions in the West Bank camps and towns, and earlier wars on Gaza as “mowing the lawn.” The Palestinian lawn, however, has grown back stronger, resisting the Israeli lawnmower and rejecting its Palestinian Authority lawn agents.
On the same day, it posted an article by IAK staff writer Kathryn Shihadah that passionately defended the attacks and exonerated the terrorists of any fault.[24]
It argued that the attacks were necessary because Palestinians had exhausted all nonviolent options for improving their situation. It continued:
That is why Hamas initiated these hostilities—because, how long should humans live, starving, in a cage, before they fight back? What else did Israel expect would happen?
People who know the situation in Palestine-Israel knew this day would come—we just never expected it would play out as it has. Israel has powerful weapons and wealthy allies.
What do the Palestinians have? A desperate hunger for justice and dignity, and nothing left to lose.
Most, if not all, Palestinians and their allies hate war and violence. It is heartbreaking that apparently the only way to get the world’s attention is through bloodshed.
I should clarify: the only way to get the world’s attention is through the shedding of Israeli blood. [original emphasis]
It concludes:
Hamas did not attack Israel ‘randomly,’ but after many years of provocation. If anyone should have expected retaliation, it is Israel. You don’t get to put millions of people in a cage, starve and taunt and snipe at them, and then act surprised when they take matters into their own hands.
Oddly, IAK later published another article on October 26 by the same IAK staff writer that similarly legitimizes Hamas and its attacks but then makes a passing comment that seems possibly forced:
Obviously, killing hundreds of Israelis is not moral or productive, and will not lead to freedom—at least, not directly. Similarly, bombing Gaza to rubble is not the way for Israel to gain security. That has been proven again and again, at great cost to Palestinians. These are irrational actions on both sides, horrible acts.[25]
The rest of the article’s text, as well as the author’s previous article, frame the October 7 attacks as unfortunate but necessary acts of self-defense. Shortly after this statement, Shihadah writes that the attacks actually have been very productive in causing the effects necessary for freedom:
When Palestinians are quiet, the world forgets them, leaving them to Israel’s whims; when they protest peacefully, they are killed. Only when they make a lot of noise does the world finally wake up. October 7th was about as noisy as it gets—and millions are now rallying for a ceasefire and Palestinian rights.
Shihadah also ridicules the notions that anti-Israel terrorists are motivated by anti-Semitism or a desire for revenge or that Palestinian hatred of Jews even exists.
She tries to reassure the reader, “The one thing most Palestinians know for sure about Jews is that they come in two types: those who embrace Zionism and those who don’t.”
Here, she thinks she’s debunking the existence of anti-Semitism but she’s actually acknowledging the existence of a very similar (some would argue that it is synonymous) and equally dangerous and despicable hatred and spreading it.
She is saying that the hatred and genocidal persecution associated with anti-Semitism may not be appropriate for every single Jew, but it is appropriate for every single Zionist. And a Zionist is anyone who believes in Israel’s right to exist and doesn’t favor wiping it off the map. The justification of hatred and violence toward Zionists puts targets on the backs of the overwhelming majority of Jews and all but a miniscule percentage of Israelis.
Shihadah also whitewashes Hamas and downplays its crimes. She accuses the media of only focusing on the most poorly behaved Hamas members and not on the typical ones like those who supposedly treated their Israeli hostages well out of the kindness of their hearts.
It is also noteworthy that the founder of IAK is Alison Weir and, according to IAK’s most recent required disclosures, she is still its President. Her anti-Semitism is so egregious that even the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, then operating under the name of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, had to denounce her and IAK in 2015.[26]
USPCR’s examples of her unacceptable behavior that led to the expulsion of IAK from its coalition included her public remark that Jews are “an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself” and her repeated appearances on the radio show of Clayton Douglas, who it describes as a white supremacist conspiracy theorist and militia member who has made positive comments about Hitler and David Duke.
It explained:
Confronted with these assertions and statements, and knowing full well Douglas’s larger record of white supremacist views, Ms. Weir made little to no effort to challenge, confront, or rebut any of these views; on the contrary, she continued to appear on the show, placing Palestinian rights advocacy within the context of—rather than in opposition to—those views.
IndyBay (San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center)
IndyBay is an anarchist website that is used for hosting and posting calls to action, declarations of responsibility for attacks and guides for “direct actions” of varying severities. It is an important resource for anti-Israel militants seeking to assist and expand the current protest movement, some of which aspire to commit crimes that qualify as domestic terrorism.
Its provides a list of posts[27] and links for anti-Israel militants.[28] It publishes on-site reporting about direct actions like the Arab Resources and Community Center-led blocking of a shipment to Israel from a port.[29]
It also hosts information about campus protests,[30] promotes events and opportunities for activism[31] and updates on anti-Israel directions including sabotage, obstructing highways, blockades, occupations (taking over buildings), vandalism, disrupting defense contractor operations,[32] sabotaging train lines[33] and shutting down events like foiling a planned Friends of the IDF fundraiser by damaging a water line.[34]
One particularly frightening claim of responsibility is for a November 12 attack on a courthouse. It said:
We smashed seven windows at the “alameda county” courthouse tonight. This attack is for the martyrs of Palestine. Every “american” soldier, cop, court, and prison is a target. Freedom to all Palestinian prisoners! Freedom to all prisoners of “america!” Put the sword against the sword! Let the olive branch fall, long live the hammer! Bring the war home! Death to “israel!” Death to “america!” [strikeouts in the original][35]
Indy Liberation Center
ILC praised the October 7 attacks, saying:
Today, we witness a historic win for the Palestinian resistance: across land, air, and sea, our people have broken down the artificial barriers of the Zionist entity, taking with it the facade of an impenetrable settler colony and reminding each of us that total return and liberation to Palestine is near. Catching the enemy completely by surprise, the Palestinian resistance has captured over a dozen settlements surrounding Gaza along with many occupation soldiers and military vehicles. This is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.[36]
It also posted an article that argues that violence by the Palestinian “resistance” is “armed love.”[37] Another article is written by an organizer with the Party for Socialism and Liberation that praises North Korea and emphasizes its support for the Palestinian cause.[38]
It has also been a part of a coalition assembled to defend SJP at Butler University.[39]
International Action Center
International Action Center (IAC) says, “Like any people who are under siege, Gazans—who live in an ‘open air prison,” under Israeli occupation, subject to constant harassment, racism, water and food shortages and violent attacks, including bombings—have a right to resist however they can. The IAC, along with thousands of organizations across the globe, supports their just cause.”[40]
It also says it has been a part of the United National Antiwar Coalition since its founding in 2011. The coalition more clearly endorsed the October 7 attacks.
IAC also signed a declaration of the Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran that backs Iran’s direct attack on Israel and explicitly chooses the side of the Iran-led “Axis of Resistance” consisting of the government of Syria, Iran-backed Palestinian terrorist groups including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Yemen-based Houthis and Iran-backed militias in Iraq who are trying to kill U.S. troops. It also sides with Russia by denouncing the “US and NATO proxy war in Ukraine.”[41]
It brags:
The US no longer has control over West Asia. Put simply, the days of the US subjugating the nations of the region are over. This is owed to the steadfastness of Palestinian resistance and the growing deterrence capabilities developed by the Axis of Resistance from Palestine to Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
IAC even goes so far as to publish official calls to action from the Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine—General Command and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist groups.[42]
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network[43]
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAZN) supports Hamas and other terrorist groups, seeks the destruction of the U.S. and Israel and has even urged violent and destructive attacks on U.S. soil.
It coauthored an Instagram post on July 8, 2024, that has a video justifying the October 7 atrocities committed by Hamas because “resistance is not terrorism.”[44]
IJAZN’s charter condemns U.S. laws prohibiting Americans from providing material aid to Middle Eastern terrorist organizations and cheers their attacks on Israel. It attributes U.S. designating of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah as foreign terrorist organizations to the spread of “Islamophobia” by an international Zionist conspiracy.
It says:
These [Zionist] organizations facilitate the spread of Islamophobia. They beat the drums of war abroad and push repressive legislation at home. In the United States and Canada, Zionist organizations helped pass “anti-terrorist” legislation making organizing in support of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel and support for Palestinian, Iranian, Iraqi, and Lebanese and Muslim organizations subject to prosecution as aiding terrorism and committing treason. In both Europe and the US, supposedly “Jewish” organizations are now at the forefront of pushing for war with Iran.
Cracks are appearing in the edifice of Zionism as in that of US world dominance itself. In the region, extraordinary resistance from Palestine and Southern Lebanon to Israeli and US aggression and occupation has been sustained despite limited resources and many betrayals. Around the world, the movement in solidarity with the Palestine people and in confrontation with the U.S. and Israeli policy is gaining momentum.[45]
Elsewhere on IJAZN’s website, it follows the lead of Palestinian terrorist organizations in a more obfuscated manner: “We support full Palestinian self-determination and the right to resist occupation. We look to the Palestinian grassroots and Palestinian-led organizations as our primary points of reference in this struggle.”[46]
A collaborative post features a graphic from Samidoun, a pro-Hamas extremist group that is essentially a front for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist group, that says “Our enemies are not agitators—they are Zionists, the police, corporate media, politicians and other imperialist agents.”[47]
It then calls for violent and destructive attacks on U.S. soil:
We must not reject our militant co-strugglers in order to appeal to liberal and corporate institutions that will never be on our side. The conservative path is not our only option. Open support for armed struggle and militant direct action does not create bad optics—it is not a bad look to put a knife to the throat of imperialism.
A June 9, 2024, collaborative post rejects suggestions that protests remain nonpeaceful and claims that democracy is an “illusion disseminated by the ruling class.” It calls for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government and other governments it considers to be “capitalist” or “imperialist”:
Buy-in to the charade of the social contract only serves to hinder the necessary and inevitable overthrow of the systems that exploit and oppress us. We must be explicit and relentless in naming the root causes and the systems we are fighting: capitalism, imperialism, and settler colonialism.
In recognizing their ultimate violence, we must also recognize our responsibility to imagine and fight for a world free of them, at any cost.[48]
IJAZN’s Fourth of July post in 2024 has art glorifying Palestinian terrorists armed with rifles and explosives above the words, “The Fourth of July is a Celebration of Genocide: End Settler Colonialism Everywhere.”
It writes:
Anti-colonialism is central to anti-Zionism. On this day—a celebration of so-called American independence—we decry all forms of colonialism past and present, including the ongoing settler colonial project that is the United States…
…We follow Palestinian and Native anti-colonial struggles to declare—from Turtle Island to Palestine, RIGHT OF RETURN IS LAND BACK.[49]
By equating the U.S. and Israel as oppressors and Palestinians and Native Americans as freedom fighters engaged in “anti-colonial struggle,” IJAZN is essentially saying that Palestinian terrorism against Israel is honorable and, therefore, so would be indigenous terrorism against the United States.
The slides, each with the images of the violent terrorists at the top, state:
As anti-Zionists, many of whom are in North America, we not only resist and condemn the United States’ role as a partner in the genocide of Palestinians: we condemn the United States itself…
…As we reject the normalization of the Zionist entity, we also reject the inevitability of the U.S. nation-state as a permanent, naturalized feature of our world. Empires fall. And they are falling…
…As we assert our proud, unwavering anti-colonial commitment to the people of Palestine, we declare our solidarity with colonized and oppressed people within and beyond what is currently the United States…
Right of Return is Land Back. Free Palestine. Land Back. Abolition Now. From Congo to Sudan, Tigray to West Papua, Kanaky to Kashmir…may all of our resistance tug at the seams of the bloody world order as we build it anew. [original emphasis]
On May 26, 2024, IJAZN’s Sara Kershnar spoke at a pro-Hamas conference in Detroit and reiterated the group’s commitment to seeing Israel eliminated as a country and said:
We stand in our own history of resistance to genocide, including the right to resist, and armed resistance as part of that history. And in that way, we are unequivocally with the resistance in Palestine…It is crucial to the future of humanity and the very survival of the planet that we dismantle Zionism.[50]
She further demonized Zionists (meaning supporters of Israel’s right to exist) as follows:
It goes back to the character of the Zionist movement which was very much a ruling class, white movement of European Jews who wanted State power. Who wanted access to that power and capital. And so, for our movement, it feels very important that we recognize that it has never had… for the Zionists, for the U.S. and its allies, it has never had anything to do with Jewish safety. Has never had anything to do with valuing Jewish life and of course it has nothing to do with valuing any life or the actual survival of this planet.
IJAZN is fiscally sponsored[51] by the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) Foundation.[52]
International League of Peoples’ Struggle
The U.S. wing of the International League of People’s Struggle very enthusiastically endorsed the October 7 massacres.[53] It then reacted to the resulting Israeli military campaign in Gaza by declaring, “Palestinians and the peoples of the world must respond with a global intifada against colonialism and imperialism.”[54]
International Migrants Alliance
International Migrants Alliance reacted to the Hamas-led attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023, by republishing the statement from International League of Peoples’ Struggle that reads:
We salute and support the courageous resistance of the people of Palestine to Israeli occupation, one of the longest and most ruthless in recent history. They have every right to resist, fight and seek to end the daily and large-scale aggression, violence, brutalization, dehumanization and even demonization of the Israeli occupiers supported by US imperialism.
We condemn the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, and the Zionist and fascist Israeli government’s moves to quash the latest uprising of the Palestinian people. The Israeli government’s claims that Palestinian resistance is “terrorism” and international solidarity with the Palestinian people is “anti-Semitism” have repeatedly been exposed as deadly lies.[55]
It later posted its own statement that legitimizing the October 7 attacks as “the most recent escalation of the Palestinian people’s resistance to occupation.” It also says:
The United Nations has declared that a nation has the right to resist an occupier through any means necessary, including through armed struggle. Only the Palestinian people can assess and determine by what means they need to resist their occupier given whatever situation they may encounter, and to call their actions as “terrorism” would delegitimize their struggle for liberation and in effect allow violent occupation to continue.[56]
Therefore, IMA, as an organization committed to fighting for the rights and welfare of the people and opposed to anti-people systems such as imperialism, condemns the continued occupation of Palestine and the atrocities that are being committed by the Israeli government especially in the recent siege of Gaza.
International Peoples’ Assembly
The International Peoples’ Assembly is a convener of the Shut It Down for Palestine Coalition, which lauds (the webpage has since been taken down but is archived here) the terrorist groups attacking Israel:
Failing on the battlefield, Zionist forces are compensating by punishing the Palestinian people. And yet, resistance remains strong. 150 days of genocide, and a people’s resistance endures in the rubble of their cities, still fighting to defend their territory, with no sign of abating. In the Lebanese hills north of the occupied lands too, resistance forces are striking Israeli war infrastructure and its soldiers’ staging posts. The Yemeni resistance continues its counter blockade. From Iraq, daily drone attacks continue on Zionist installations. Meanwhile a quietly rising giant is also making its voice heard. Operations in the cities of the West Bank are increasingly becoming more sophisticated, despite execution campaigns and mass arrests. The youth of Palestine and the region have chosen to shake the yoke of imperialism. We must, as people of conscience, recognize that the process of liberation will be led by the Palestinian people themselves.”[57]
The other listed convenors of the coalition include SJP, the ANSWER Coalition, the People’s Forum, PYM, Al-Awda-NY, and the Palestinian American Community Center. It also has an extremely long list of organizational endorsers.
Islamic Circle of North America
ICNA carefully indicated its support for the October 7 attacks by casting doubt on the notions that Hamas is a terrorist group, that the attacks were “unprovoked” and that Israel has a right to defend itself. [58]
It then provided a list of quotes from others making various justifications for supporting the attacks and the perpetrators.
ICNA has origins in the extremist Jammat-e-Islami movement, which can be characterized as the Southeast Asian counterpart to the Muslim Brotherhood. It also has a history of extremism that includes creating a handbook for members that called for violent jihad against perceived enemies of Muslims and for establishing theocratic governances, subversion of the U.S. government and society and secret organizing and strategic deception to achieve those objectives.
October 7 statement[60] from Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is titled, “The Root of Violence is Oppression.”[61] It does not express even a hint of any objection to the attacks. Instead, it frames them as defensive acts and does not refer to the violence or perpetrators as being terrorism-related. It summarized the day’s events as follows:
Following 16 years of Israeli military blockade, Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault, in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and wounded, and civilians kidnapped. The Israeli government declared war, launching airstrikes, killing hundreds of Palestinians and wounding thousands, bombing residential buildings and threatening to commit war crimes against besieged Palestinians in Gaza.
The Israeli government may have just declared war, but its war on Palestinians started over 75 years ago. Israeli apartheid and occupation—and United States complicity in that oppression—are the source of all this violence. Reality is shaped by when you start the clock.
JVP advisory board member Judith Butler[62] defends the October 7 attacks as “armed resistance” and rejects descriptions of it as acts of terrorism or anti-Semitism.[63]
Although JVP says it is wrong to deliberately kill civilians and has condemned Hamas’s terrorism when it’s been really backed into a corner,[64] it reacts to every mention of anti-Israeli terrorism with some version of “the right to resist colonization is enshrined in international law.” Its actions and statements are only consistent if JVP’s stance is that Israelis don’t qualify as civilians or that the terrorist groups only cause civilian casualties as necessary collateral damage.[65]
JVP[66] published a holiday post for its 1.3 million Instagram followers and approximately 85 chapters nationwide that is aimed at delegitimizing the U.S.[67]
It argues that the U.S.’s right to exist is as meritless as Israel’s, a country that JVP believes and hopes is in the process of a collapse that leads it to “disintegrate” and be buried forever.
Part of the post reads:
This July 4th, we contemplate parallels between the colonization of Turtle Island (“North America”) and Palestine:
Genocide. Land theft. Ethnic cleansing. Environmental destruction. Forced displacement of people from their homes, and sequestration into isolated areas with (artificially) scarce resources. Criminalization and surveillance. Colonial control over lives, and denial of self-determination and sovereignty. Erasure of native history and culture. Ideologies (Manifest Destiny, Zionism) of entitlement to, and justification for, these atrocities…
…As @ndncollective writes, although Palestinians and people indigenous to Turtle Island “come from different nations and geographies, the struggles against settler colonialism are the same… because settler colonists share playbooks,” and “zionism, white supremacy, and imperialism… act as one to oppress and eliminate us.”[68]
The concluding text is particularly dangerous and radicalizing because it upholds Palestinian efforts to “fight and organize” against Israel as a model for pro-indigenous confrontation with the United States:
[B]oth groups of native people are working toward a similar vision of liberation. In @ndncollective’s words: “Just as we fight and organize to reclaim land on Turtle Island, our Palestinian relatives fight and organize to return the land and for the land to return to the people.”
JVP would probably deny that its words are a rallying call for violence and sedition, but these words are not typos. The text leaves no wiggle room for JVP to credibly deny that it is making the moral case for violence and militant revolution.
The last slide in the post is a map of the continent showing where Native American tribes resided so JVP’s readers can “find out whose land your on.”[69]
In other words, see what JVP and its comrades hope will be restored from the ashes of the United States once its “colonization” of the mythical Native American “Turtle Island” is forced to come to an end.[70]
JVP regularly cosponsors and promotes protests and events held by pro-terrorism organizations, knowing very well that advocacy for terrorism will happen as a result.[71] After the October 7 attacks at least one chapter promoted the Resistance News Network, a social media page that aggregates official terrorist statements and provides materials inciting terrorism and instructing extremists on how to commit violence and destructive crimes.[72]
It responded to a rise in Palestinian violence in 2021 with “we honor the steadfastness of Palestinian resistance.”[73] It did the same in 2015 after a Palestinian wave of terrorism known as the “stabbing intifada” or “knife intifada” began.[74]
In April 2022, its Detroit chapter said:
In the aftermath of any act of resistance carried out by Palestinians, many hasten to condemn the “barbaric” act of killing “civilian” settlers, in complete disregard of the systemic violence that ‘Israel’ commits against Palestinians on a daily basis, and in a blatant attempt to distort the truth that Palestinians are the only civilians to have ever existed in historical Palestine. Zionist settlers are either current or future soldiers in the IOF’s reserves or veterans.[75]
In Mau 2021, its Knoxville chapter posted a message on a sign that said, “Blaming Hamas for firing rockets is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist.”
JVP has also purposely deceived for the sake of whitewashing and glamorizing individual terrorists.
It has quoted senior-level terrorist operative Marwan Barghouti (often falsely referred to as the “Palestinian Nelson Mandela” in some quarters) while describing him merely as leading a hunger strike by Palestinian political prisoners who are upset with how badly Israel treats them.[76]
JVP has, like many other anti-Israel and pro-terror groups, repeatedly exalted PFLP terrorist Rasmea Odeh. Such groups rallied behind her because she faced deportation for lying on her citizenship application about how she pled guilty to involvement in bomb plots in Israel. JVP describes her as a “a feminist leader… [who has] survived decades of Israeli and U.S. government persecution and oppression.”
It has also thrown its support behind a campaign to pressure Israel into releasing the leader of PFLP.[77] In 2022, it tried to use its political capital to influence the U.S. government to condemn Israel’s banning of six nongovernmental organizations for acting as fronts for PFLP—an accusation that is justifiable based on an overwhelming amount of publicly available evidence without even considering the confidential data collected by the Israeli authorities.[78]
Jews Against White Supremacy
JWS says:
We support the movement for the liberation of Palestine from the settler colonial project of Israel by any means necessary, including armed resistance; uphold the right to return for Palestinians; and advocate for full autonomy of Palestinians regarding the decolonial process. We call for the abolition of the ‘state’ of Israel, and oppose all forms of colonialism.
In our organizing, we prioritize solidarity with Palestinians and all peoples struggling against colonialism.[79]
Another part of its website reads:
Established in August 2023, Jews Against White Supremacy (JAWS) is an anti-zionist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist organization supporting the struggle for Palestinian liberation by any means necessary, organizing with an emphasis on fighting Jewish zionist institutions.
We vehemently oppose the zionist settler colonial project of “Israel” and all forms of colonialism. Our revolutionary socialist, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-faith, queer, trans, intersectional feminist, multi-tendency, revolutionary socialist organization stands against all forms of white supremacy, including zionism, antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, transphobia, and homophobia.
In an article the group wrote, it said:
There has still not been a reckoning with how so many among us acted in the wake of October 7th, centering Jewish or Israeli grief, and actively condemning an act of anticolonial resistance in Operation Al Aqsa Flood against the Zionist settler entity which has systematically massacred, displaced, and dehumanized Palestinians for over 75 years. Organizations which claimed to support the Palestinian struggle completely abandoned them when they dared to resist colonial oppression.[80]
Jews Against Zionism
A statement by Jews Against Zionism says, “We stand unwaveringly alongside our Palestinian siblings for their liberation by any means necessary” and “We are aligned with and support Palestinian liberation of all oppressed peoples globally.”[81]
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return declared its support for the October 7 attacks, saying it “stands with the Gaza Ghetto Uprising,” choosing to name the attacks in a way that equates Israel with the Nazis and Hamas with the brave Jews who fought back during the Holocaust.[82]
The group also has a pattern of defending PFLP terrorists. It supports known senior PFLP operative Khaled Barakat, who is also associated with the PFLP front group Samidoun involved in the current protest movement, and depicts him as a victim of the German government’s “repression” because it restricts his activity due to involvement in terrorism.[83]
It has also acted on behalf of PFLP terrorists Khalida Jarrar and Rasmea Odeh,[84] repeatedly posting glamorizing images of the latter.[85] It also exalts Ahed Tamimi, who became famous for slapping an Israeli soldier and has repeatedly expressed her desire to have as many Israeli civilians killed as possible[86] and even refers to Hitler fondly.[87]
The John Brown Gun Club (JBGC) is often described as an anarchist, communist or anarcho-communist militia and it is often associated with Antifa. JBGC says it “is not just a group; it is a living embodiment of Marxist-Leninist ideals, striving for a society free from exploitation, inequality, and fascist threats.”
The group, especially its Wisconsin chapter, is supportive of anti-Israel terrorists.
JBGC announced its “Operation River-Sea: Aiding the Liberation of Palestine!” campaign in November. The “River-Sea” terminology is a reference to the anti-Israel chants of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” that vow to eliminate the state of Israel. The announcement goes so far as to suggest that Israel “is worse than the Nazis.”[89]
The page for the announcement includes multiple propaganda posters from the Marxist-Leninist PFLP terrorist group and explicitly support the organization. One is from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist group and others are from Visualizing Palestine and Black Feminists for a Free Palestine.
One poster with the “anti-fascist” (Antifa) label depicts a militant throwing a stone and has implications for the U.S. It says, “from gaza to the americas, decolonization means attack!”
The page carries a clarification that it “will never endorse violence against civilians, and cannot endorse everything any group presented here may have done. But, we do not subscribe to the idea of “conditional victims,” nor is it our place as a people within the Imperial Core to police how people who we are holding against a stovetop choose to lash out. Colonization is the greatest terror, and to ignore that while condemning the people who resist occupational tyranny is evil. We support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, decolonization, and struggle for human rights.”
JBGC says “We are in the conception phase of organizing an armed demonstration in which we’d openly carry a rifle while waving the Palestinian flag.”[90]
Mapping Project/Boston Mapping Project[91]
The Mapping Project, also known as the Boston Mapping Project, reacted to the October 7 attacks with multiple social media posts praising Palestinian resistance.[92]
The Project creates hit lists of Israel-linked sites for destructive targeting. The group openly supports terrorism and its operation and sources of funding are mysterious and unclear,[93] but there are indications of linkages to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the government of Iran.[94]
MLP stated on October 21:
In solidarity with Palestine, we reject the blatantly racist, Islamophobic narrative that claims Hamas is a terrorist organization. We do not condemn Gazan resistance. The expectation that the victims of a brutal 75 year imperialist occupation denounce their own resistance and betray their cause is a manipulative tactic of the US and other world leaders to delegitimize Palestine’s right to sovereignty. We acknowledge Hamas as a legitimate political actor and democratically elected Gazan resistance working to free Palestinian people. We unequivocally support Palestine’s demands and acknowledge Operation Al-Aqsa Flood as a necessary step to secure Palestine’s freedom. There are not two sides to genocide. As Palestinian people resist ethnic cleansing they must have unwavering global support. [original emphasis][96]
Michigan State University Students United for Palestinian Rights
On October 11, 2023, the Michigan State University Students United for Palestinian Rights endorsed the Students for Justice in Palestine’s official statement praising the October 7 attacks and unequivocally expressing support for Hamas.[97]
Previously, the group glorified the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist group, which later participated in the October 7 attacks, by posting an honorific drawing of PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled with a rifle. The words, “Long Live Free Palestine” accompanied the image.[98]
Middle East Children’s Alliance[99]
MECA said on October 7, “We are witnessing the people of Gaza rising up to respond to decades of Israelis settler colonial violence.”
Milwaukee for Yemen
Milwaukee for Yemen supports attacks on Israel by Iran, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Palestinian terrorist groups.[100] It hails the Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea.[101]
It also glorified a Houthi drone attack on an apartment building in Tel Aviv that killed one Israeli[102] and injured, while characterizing Israel’s retaliatory strikes on targets within a port controlled by the Houthis as having “mercilessly targeted innocent civilians.” The group said it “stand[s] in unwavering solidarity” with the Houthis and “their inherent right to self-defense and their justified retaliation against such unjust attacks.”[103]
Minnesota BDS Community
The Minnesota BDS Community endorsed an October 8 statement by the Anti-War Committee statement legitimized the previous day’s attacks, criticized Senator Klobuchar’s description of its perpetrators as terrorists and announced that a protest would be held outside of her office the next day.[104]
The other endorsers of the statement were the SJP chapter at the University of Minnesota, AMP’s Minnesota chapter, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, Women Against Military Madness and Veterans for Peace Chapter 27.
It stated:
On Saturday, Palestinian resistance fighters launched incursions into Israel-occupied territory outside the densely populated Gaza Strip. Footage showed Palestinian bulldozers demolishing the border fence built by Israel to contain Gaza after the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian-controlled enclave in 2005. In 2018, the Gaza border fence was the site of the Great March of Return protests, where hundreds of Palestinian refugees were killed and wounded by Israeli soldiers as they attempted to return to their homeland en masse.…
“As long as apartheid Israel occupies Palestinian land, we should expect that Palestinians will resist and fight for the freedom of their nation by any means necessary,” said Wyatt Miller of the MN Anti-War Committee, the group initiating the call to action. “Peace can only be achieved through justice, yet the US continues to send billions in aid to prop up Israel’s unjust regime. It needs to stop.”
President Biden and politicians from both parties quickly pledged support for Israel in the wake of the fighting. Klobuchar, a strong supporter of US aid to Israel, characterized the Palestinian resistance forces as “terrorists.”
Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition endorsed an October 8 statement by the Anti-War Committee that legitimized the previous day’s attacks, criticized Senator Klobuchar’s description of its perpetrators as terrorists and announced that a protest would be held outside of her office the next day.[105]
The other endorsers of the statement were the SJP chapter at the University of Minnesota, AMP’s Minnesota chapter, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Minnesota BDS Community, Women Against Military Madness and Veterans for Peace Chapter 27.
It stated:
On Saturday, Palestinian resistance fighters launched incursions into Israel-occupied territory outside the densely populated Gaza Strip. Footage showed Palestinian bulldozers demolishing the border fence built by Israel to contain Gaza after the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian-controlled enclave in 2005. In 2018, the Gaza border fence was the site of the Great March of Return protests, where hundreds of Palestinian refugees were killed and wounded by Israeli soldiers as they attempted to return to their homeland en masse…
“As long as apartheid Israel occupies Palestinian land, we should expect that Palestinians will resist and fight for the freedom of their nation by any means necessary,” said Wyatt Miller of the MN Anti-War Committee, the group initiating the call to action. “Peace can only be achieved through justice, yet the US continues to send billions in aid to prop up Israel’s unjust regime. It needs to stop.”
President Biden and politicians from both parties quickly pledged support for Israel in the wake of the fighting. Klobuchar, a strong supporter of US aid to Israel, characterized the Palestinian resistance forces as “terrorists.”
The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition expressed its solidarity with the government of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the government of Syria, the Yemen-based Houthis and Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq who target the U.S. military on April 14 immediately following Iran’s direct attack on Israel.[106]
Its post reads in part:
On Saturday, April 13, the Islamic Republic of Iran launched a retaliatory strike on Israel, in response to Israel’s assassination of nine Iranian officers in the bombing of an Iranian consulate. Resistance forces across the Middle East in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon also launched retaliatory strikes in solidarity with both Iran and the people of Palestine.
Iran has long been a target of US aggression, due to the long-standing solidarity it has shown with Palestine and its resistance to US imperialism. We demand no US intervention, not in Iran, not in Palestine, not in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, or Lebanon, NOWHERE.
Mississippi Rising Coalition
Mississippi Rising Coalition reacted to the October 7, 2023, attacks with a post on October 11 that says:
As rallies & marches are held today for freedom in Palestine, the legacy of global colonial terror must be confronted right where you stand. Colonization has always been war. Anti-colonial solidarity is necessary. Indigenous resistance is everywhere.[107]
A post on May 25, 2024, included several quotes in support of those fighting Israel. It says the war against Israel is “the extension of the struggle against capitalism and imperialism” and confidently proclaiming that “the colonizer will get tired first.”[108]
The group signed[109] a statement in June 2024 declaring solidarity with the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen and praising their attacks on international shipping and support for Hamas. It also wishes for the other Iran-backed terrorist groups in the region to be victorious over the U.S., U.K., Israel, and “their agents in the region.”[110]
It reads:
The people of Yemen, who have remained committed to their firm and advanced revolutionary position, continue to confront all forms of siege and aggression at the hands of the U.S. and British colonial forces and their agents in the region. They will not be intimidated by the recent U.S.-British massacre on May 31, 2024, which caused dozens of martyrs and casualties…
The heroic Yemeni position, which has been embodied in word and deed in confronting war and aggression over the past ten years, and in supporting the Palestinian people for more than eight months, constitutes the true and necessary response against the Zionist-U.S. war of annihilation against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip. It also embodies an effective revolutionary model in true solidarity with the Palestinian people…
Glory to the martyrs and speedy recovery to the wounded
The criminal camp of U.S.-British-Zionist aggression and and their agents in the region will be defeated
Victory for the Palestinian and Yemeni peoples and for the resistance camp in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. [original emphasis]
Movement for Black Lives was involved in the creation of a “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit” that endorsed Hamas by showcasing a glorifying image of a Hamas paraglider associated with the October 7 attacks with the words “Black Liberation for Palestinian Freedom” above it.[112]
MTL+ Collective
Decolonize This Place says it is “facilitated” by MTL+ Collective.[113]
Muslim Alliance in North America[114]
Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) has a history of extremism and frames the October 7 attacks as a form of justifiable self-defense in articles on its website.[115]
One article published by MANA claims that the governments, law enforcement agencies, media and other institutions of the U.S. and Israel are engaging in a racist conspiracy to dehumanize black people and Palestinians so that they can be mistreated. [116]
It states, “in the case of Palestinians, we witness the presence of ‘both sides’ rhetoric in describing Palestinian resistance to Israeli assaults, implying ‘both sides’ have attacked and experienced commensurate losses, an attempt to impose parity where none exists.”
It further laments that “the loss of Palestinian life is often blamed on the ‘culture of martyrdom,’ the idea that Palestinian and Muslim culture reinforce the concept of martyrdom, leading them to seek death, embrace and even celebrate it. We hear commentators accusing Palestinians of ‘teaching their children to die’ or even the argument that various movements have used civilians as human shields.”
Another article describes the October 7 attacks as “just the latest manifestation of resistance to occupation and oppression.” It also mentions MANA’s involvement in protests organized by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, which much more explicitly supports terrorism.[117]
Muslim American Society
According to a court filing in 2008 by federal prosecutors in a counterterrorism case, the Muslim American Society (MAS) was “founded as the overt arm” of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. Hamas is a self-admitted “wing” of the international Muslim Brotherhood movement.[118]
MAS’s statement on October 7 expressed its solidarity with Palestinians and demanded that the U.S. and international community force Israel to “halt its provocations” and allegedly indiscriminate targeting of the Palestinian population. The framing obviously means MAS sees the October 7 attacks as defensive and Israel’s military response as a “provocation.”[119]
MAS more privately instructed its followers:
[W]e are not religiously obligated to mention any specific entity within the Palestinian resistance. We firmly support the right of Palestinians to resist illegal occupation, in accordance with UN resolutions. Hamas is a U.S. designated terrorist organization that we cannot legally support- the group should not be mentioned in your khutbahs [preachings]. This does not impact our obligation to stand for justice and to mobilize American Muslims and the American public in support of the Palestinian cause.[120]
Muslim Legal Fund of America[121]
Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) is intertwined with Students for Justice in Palestine and Americans Muslims for Palestine through its chairman, Hatem Bazian, who is also the president of AMP and the founder of SJP.
[1] Fayer Collective, “Zines,” https://fayer.noblogs.org/zines/.
[2] Fayer Collective, “Strategizing for Palestinian Solidarity,” https://fayer.noblogs.org/files/2023/11/Fayer-Palestine-booklet.pdf.
[3] InfluenceWatch, “Freedom Road Socialist Organization,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/freedom-road-socialist-organization/.
[4] Freedom Road Socialist Organization, “About,” https://frso.org/about/.
[5] Freedom Road Socialist Organization, “Stand With Palestine!,” https://frso.org/statements/stand-with-palestine-victory-to-the-palestinian-resistance/.
[6] Luke Tress, “US pro-Palestinian groups applaud Hamas terror onslaught, plan support rallies,” Times of Israel, October 8, 2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-pro-palestinian-groups-applaud-hamas-terror-onslaught-plan-support-rallies/.
[7] Luke Tress, “US pro-Palestinian groups applaud Hamas terror onslaught, plan support rallies,” Times of Israel, October 8, 2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-pro-palestinian-groups-applaud-hamas-terror-onslaught-plan-support-rallies/.
[8] HANA Center (@Hanacenterchicago), “Last week was #IndigenousPeoplesDay and let us remember settler colonialism is not a concept of the past.,” Instagram, October 16, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyeC_MGp9RZ/?img_index=1.
[9] HANA Center (@Hanacenterchicago), “Last week was #IndigenousPeoplesDay and let us remember settler colonialism is not a concept of the past.,” Instagram, October 16, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyeC_MGp9RZ/?img_index=3.
[10] HANA Center (@Hanacenterchicago), “Last week was #IndigenousPeoplesDay and let us remember settler colonialism is not a concept of the past.,” Instagram, October 16, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyeC_MGp9RZ/?img_index=5.
[11] Mondoweiss, “Announcing the Harvard University Liberated Zone,” April 24, 2024, https://mondoweiss.net/2024/04/announcing-the-harvard-university-liberated-zone/.
[12] Healthcare Workers for Palestine NYC (@hcw4pnyc), “EMERGENCY ACTION: FLOOD JULY 4TH FOR PALESTINE AND AGAINST EMPIRE!,” Instagram, July 2, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C87PrMQuQQb/?img_index=1.
[13] InfluenceWatch, “Within Our Lifetime,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/within-our-lifetime-wol/.
[14] PSL Houston (@houstontxpsl), “BREAKING: Pro-Palestine Protestors gathers outside of a George R. Brown Convention center on the pouring rain ahead of Kamala Harris speech at AFT conference,” Instagram, July 25, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C92TvaYp4bt/.
[15] Al Awda Houston (@alawdahouston), “!!HOUSTON IN WASHINGTON DC!!,” Instagram, June 10, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C8C1lK0JLv4/?img_index=10.
[16] Al Awda Houston (@alawdahouston), “!!HOUSTON IN WASHINGTON DC!!,” Instagram, June 10, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C8C1lK0JLv4/?img_index=2.
[17] InfluenceWatch, “ANSWER Coalition,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/answer-coalition/.
[18] Al Awda Houston (@alawdahouston), “!!AL AWDA HOUSTON IS IN DC,” Instagram, June 8, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C79ZlMduHtb/.
[19] InfluenceWatch, “Al-Awda (Palestinian Right to Return Coalition),” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/al-awda-palestinian-right-to-return-coalition/.
[20] Houston for Palestinian Liberation (@htx4palestinianliberation), “The flag of Palestine is raised in D.C. by our brave comrades, a reminder that we will see a free Palestine within our lifetimes.,” Instagram, July 24, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C90S2T4J9aE/.
[21] InfluenceWatch, “If Americans Knew,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/if-americans-knew/.
[22] Israel-Palestine News, “Gaza-Israel: Latest News and Statistics (the First 25 days),” October 7, 2023, https://israelpalestinenews.org/palestinian-resistance-launches-surprise-attack-on-israel-updates-to-come/.
[23] Jamal Kanj, “Gaza-Israel: Latest News and Statistics (the First 25 days),” Israel-Palestine News, October 9, 2023, https://israelpalestinenews.org/gaza-seized-the-initiative-might-vs-willpower/.
[24] Kathryn Shihadah, “What Americans Need to Know about Gaza and Israel Right Now,” Israel-Palestine News, October 8, 2023, https://israelpalestinenews.org/what-americans-need-to-know-about-gaza-and-israel-right-now/.
[25] Kathryn Shihadah, “Essential Facts and Stats About the Hamas-Gaza-Israel War,” Israel-Palestine News, October 26, 2023, https://israelpalestinenews.org/how-to-make-sense-of-the-palestinian-call-for-freedom-and-justice-gaza/.
[26] End the Occupation, “Statement on Complaint Filed Regarding Alison Weir and If Americans Knew,” July 16, 2015, https://web.archive.org/web/20150717174920/https:/www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?id=4510.
[27] Indybay “Palestine News,” https://www.indybay.org/international/palestine/.
[28] Indybay “Palestine Links,” https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2004/04/16/16776581.php.
[29] Jaime Omar Yassin, “Oakland Block the Boat Action Delays Supply Ship Bound for Israel, Tacoma Action Underway,” Indybay, November 6, 2023,https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/11/06/18860131.php.
[30] Indybay, “Occupations Established at Universities Across California,” April 24, 2024, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2024/04/24/18865310.php.
[31] Indybay, “Millions Stand Up Worldwide in Solidarity with Palestine,” December 8, 2023, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/12/08/18860974.php.
[32] Indybay, “Taking Direct Action Against US Support for Israel’s War on Gaza,” December 12, 2023, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/12/12/18861062.php.
[33] Indybay, “Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine,” December 2, 2023, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/12/02/18860816.php.
[34] Indybay, “A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF,” November 8, 2023, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/11/08/18860230.php.
[35] Indybay, “’Alameda County’ Courthouse Attacked for Palestinian Martyrs, November 2, 2023, https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/11/02/18860018.php.
[36] Indy Liberation Center, “Day of Resistance: Protest to Free Palestine!,” October 8, 2023, https://indyliberationcenter.org/day-of-resistance-free-palestine/.
[37] Derek Ford, “Decolonization Isn’t Pretty or Complicated: When Violence Is Humanizing,” Indy Liberation Center, January 24, 2024, https://indyliberationcenter.org/decolonisation-isnt-pretty-or-complicated/.
[38] Riley Park, “Our Solidarity Is Unconditional: Korean and Palestinian Resistance,” Indy Liberation Center, November 9, 2023, https://indyliberationcenter.org/resistance-of-koreans-and-palestinians-shows-the-path-to-victory/.
[39] ANSWER Indiana, “Defend Butler SJP from Racist, Anti-Palestinian attacks!,” Indy Liberation Center, October 18, 2020, https://indyliberationcenter.org/defend-butler-sjp/.
[40] International Action Center, “Please Donate to the IAC for Another Year of Mobilizing Against War and for Social Justice,” December 2023, https://iacenter.org/2023/12/27/please-donate-to-the-iac-for-another-year-of-mobilizing-against-war-and-for-social-justice/.
[41] Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran, “CASI Statement: No War on Iran, Stand with Resistance,” April 18, 2024, https://solidarityiran.org/2024/04/18/casi-statement-no-war-on-iran-stand-with-resistance/.
[42] International Action Center, “Palestinian Joint Statement: ‘Escalate All Forms of Resistance,’” October 30, 2023, https://iacenter.org/2023/10/31/palestinian-joint-statement-escalate-all-forms-of-resistance/.
[43] InfluenceWatch, “International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/international-jewish-anti-zionist-network/.
[44] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (@jewishantizionistnetwork), “’ RESISTANCE IS NOT TERROR!SM!!’. Jake from London explains why he’s supporting Palestine,” Instagram, July 8, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9K_KUDtvMY/.
[45] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, “Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network,” February 17, 2015, https://ijan.org/2015/02/17/charter/.
[46] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, “Who We Are,” March 5, 2014, https://ijan.org/who-we-are/.
[47] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (@jewishantizionistnetwork), “@pal_actionus: Naming Our Enemies: our enemies are not “agitators”— they are Zionists, the police, corporate media, politicians, and other imperialist agents.,” Instagram, June 12, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C8HnD71J4TH/?img_index=1.
[48] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (@jewishantizionistnetwork), “Movement, change, justice and social structures that serve the people come from below: from the power, will and organization of the masses.,” Instagram, June 9, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C8AK6TnMDwP/?img_index=6.
[49] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (@jewishantizionistnetwork), “Anti-colonialism is central to anti-Zionism.,” Instagram, July 4, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9AT1Z5pLcE/?img_index=1.
[50] MEMRI TV, “Sara Kershnar Of The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Speaking To The People’s Conference For Palestine In Detroit: We Support The Armed Struggle; For The Future Of Humanity And The Survival Of This Planet, Israel Must Be Dismantled,” May 26, 2024, https://www.memri.org/tv/crowd-people-conference-palestine-cheers-applauds-sara-kershnar-intl-jew-anti-zionist-antisemitism.
[51] International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, “Contribute to IJAN,” https://ijan.org/get-involved/.
[52] InfluenceWatch,” Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) Foundation,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/wespac-foundation-inc/.
[53] International League of People’s Struggle, “#FreePalestine | Statement in Support of the Al-Aqsa Flood,” October 12, 2023, https://peoplesstruggle.org/en/statement-in-support-of-the-al-aqsa-flood/.
[54] International League of People’s Struggle, “Growing Resistance of Palestine and the World against Zionism, Colonialism and Imperialism,” November 22, 2023, https://peoplesstruggle.org/en/growing-resistance-of-palestine-and-the-world-against-zionism-colonialism-and-imperialism/.
[55] International Migrants Alliance, “ILPS Commission 15 Statement on Israel-Palestine Conflict,” October 12, 2023, https://www.wearemigrants.net/ima/ilps-commission-15-statement-on-israel-palestine-conflict.
[56] International Migrants Alliance, “Grassroots and Anti-Imperialist Migrant Workers, Refugees, and Displaced People Oppose the Violent Occupation of and Wars of Aggression in Palestine,” October 19, 2023, https://www.wearemigrants.net/ima/grassroots-and-anti-imperialist-migrant-workers-refugees-and-displaced-people-oppose-the-violent-occupation-of-and-wars-of-aggression-in-palestine.
[57] Shut it Down! for Palestine, “Stop the World for Gaza,” https://web.archive.org/web/20240525195405/https:/www.shutitdown4palestine.org/updates/stoptheworldforgaza-x5c2e.
[58] Islamic Circle of North America, “On Palestine and Israel, Correct Information Is Gatting to More Americans,” https://icna.org/on-palestine-and-israel-correct-information-is-getting-through-to-more-americans/.
[59] InfluenceWatch, “Jewish Voice for Peace,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jewish-voice-for-peace/.
[60] Jewish Voice for Peace, “The Root of Violence Is Oppression.,” https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/10/07/statement23-10-07/.
[61] InfluenceWatch, “Jewish Voice for Peace,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jewish-voice-for-peace/.
[62] George Yancy, “Judith Butler: Palestinians Are Not Being ‘Regarded as People’ by Israel and US,” Truthout, October 31, 2023, https://truthout.org/articles/judith-butler-palestinians-are-not-being-regarded-as-people-by-israel-and-us/.
[63] Michael Starr, “Judith Butler Defends Calling October 7 Massacre ‘Armed Resistance,’” Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024, https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-791928.
[64] Shuki Sadeh, “Israel in the Crosshairs: The Jewish-American Group Leading the Anti-Israel Battle in the U.S.,” Shomrim, November 12, 2023, https://www.shomrim.news/eng/israel-in-the-crosshairs.
[65] Jewish Voice for Peace, “Answering Common Questions,” https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ConversationGuideNOV2016CommonQuestions.pdf.
[66] InfluenceWatch, “Jewish Voice for Peace,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jewish-voice-for-peace/.
[67] Jewish Voice for Peace (@jewishvoiceforpeace), “This July 4th, we contemplate parallels between the colonization of Turtle Island (“North America”) and Palestine,” Instagram, July 4, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9ARAlIOgyw/?img_index=1.
[68] Jewish Voice for Peace (@jewishvoiceforpeace), “In his piece for New Left Review / Sidecar, Israeli historian Ilan Pappé poses and interrogates the indicators that signal a nation’s collapse. His thesis begs the question,” Instagram, July 8, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9LHvcBvr_1/?img_index=1.
[69] Jewish Voice for Peace (@jewishvoiceforpeace), “This July 4th, we contemplate parallels between the colonization of Turtle Island (“North America”) and Palestine,” Instagram, July 4, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9ARAlIOgyw/?img_index=5.
[70] Deadly Story, “Turtle Island,” https://deadlystory.com/page/culture/articles/World_s_Indigenous_Peoples_Day/Turtle_Island#:~:text=’Turtle%20Island’%20is%20the%20name,planet%20was%20covered%20in%20water.
[71] Anti-Defamation League, “Jewish Voice for Peace,” June 4, 2018, https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/jewish-voice-peace.
[72] Anti-Defamation League, “Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP): What You Need to Know,” November 17, 2022, https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/jewish-voice-peace-jvp-what-you-need-know.
[73] Jewish Voice for Peace, “There Is No Sideline: in Solidarity with the Palestinian Struggle for Freedom,” https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2021/05/14/there-is-no-sideline/.
[74] Jewish Voice for Peace (@JewishVoiceforPeace), “’A new generation of Palestinians is marching on the footsteps of previous generations, rising up en masse against Israel’s brutal, decades-old regime of occupation,’” Facebook, October 12, 2015, https://www.facebook .com/JewishVoiceforPeace/posts/10154255347394992.
[75] Anti-Defamation League, “Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP): What You Need to Know,” November 17, 2022, https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/jewish-voice-peace-jvp-what-you-need-know.
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