Special Report

Pro-Terrorism Groups: C–E

Appendix A

Pro-Terrorism Groups in the Anti-Israel Protest Movement
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1–B | C–E | F–M | N–S | T–Z

Catalyst Project: Anti-Racism for Collective Liberation

Catalyst Project glorified Hamas’s October 7, 2023, terrorist attacks on Israel, which also killed over 30 Americans.[1]

It published a social media post with artwork depicting the perpetrators’ demolishment of a border fence with a bulldozer below a quote from a radical Palestinian activist that reads, “It is time we demanded that the oppressor stop oppressing, not that the oppressed stop resisting.”

The post includes text celebrating the atrocities, saying, “An historic act of resistance happened in Palestine last Saturday, as Palestinians in Gaza breached the apartheid wall that has imprisoned them for over 16 years, separating them from their land, their loved ones, their holy sites.”

Its advisory board includes Linda Evans, an anti-American activist who was imprisoned from 1987 to 2001 after engaging in a range of criminal activity from armed robberies to harboring murderers to plotting terrorist attacks with the Weather Underground, May 19th Communist Organization, and Black Liberation Army.[2]

Explosives were also found in her home, along with plans to bomb the U.S. Capitol building, FBI headquarters, an Israeli aircraft factory, the New York Patrolman’s Benevolent Association, and other sites.

Catalyst Project’s website describes her as “a lifelong organizer for human rights and liberation” who was “sentenced to 40 years in federal prison for militant actions to protest and change U.S. government policies.”[3]

The group also refuses to recognize the U.S.’s right to exist by referring to the country as Turtle Island.

Catalyst Project is fiscally sponsored by Tides Center.[4] [5]

Ceasefire for the Kids

Ceasefire for the Kids coauthored a collaborative post that amplified a statement mourning the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh with accompanying text that included the hashtag, “#glorytoourmartyrs.”[6]

The pro-Hamas statement that Ceasefire for the Kids repeated came from Zahra Billoo, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ San Francisco Bay Area chapter. She wrote, “Tonight, we mourn Ismail himself but know his martyrdom is not vain. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

The collaborative post was coauthored with Our Moral Imperative and Swing States for Peace.

Center for Constitutional Rights[7]

CCR defended the legality of the October 7 attacks by depicting them as military operations, reflecting the pro-terrorism view that Israeli innocents do not qualify as “civilians.”[8]

It said, “Under international law, armed groups, such as Palestinian resistance fighters, can lawfully carry out attacks on military targets.”

Center for Third World Organizing

In 2021, Center for Third World Organizing[9] absorbed BlackOUT Collective,[10] Ruckus Society,[11] and the Black Land Liberation Project into its “Hub” where they all “function under one shared leadership and governance structure, while maintaining independent programs.”[12]

Dissenters, a pro-Hamas and anti-American extremist group that advocates for “direct actions” that qualify as domestic terrorism, was a sponsored project of the Center for Third World Organizing in 2023.[13] As of October 2024, Dissenters is accepting donations[14] through the Action Network 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.[15]

BlackOUT Collective was involved in the creation of a “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit” that endorsed Hamas by showcasing a glorifying image of a Hamas paraglider associated with the October 7 attacks with the words  “Black Liberation for Palestinian Freedom” above it.[16]

The guide provides links for three guides from the Ruckus Society that endorse conducting illegal “direct actions,” including property destruction, evading law enforcement, using false IDs, occupations of buildings and land, seizing assets, revealing the identities of government agents, blockades, interfering with governmental or industrial operations, and economic shutdowns.[17]

One of the two founders of the Ruckus Society, Mike Roselle, also founded[18] the Earth First! anarcho-environmentalist terrorist group known for committing acts of tree-spiking that can kill or seriously injure someone who tries to cut the tree down.[19] Earth First! members who wanted to become more violent and destructive formed the Earth Liberation Front terrorist group in 1992 so that the original group could potentially avoid blowback.[20]

According to InfluenceWatch, Ruckus Society’s own training materials state that the group provides instruction in “tactics to resist the unjust system. Some of these may be legal strategies while others may be outside of the law, such as the use of civil disobedience.”

Ruckus Society’s 2020–2021 annual report boasts that “we threw down with people in the streets during the uprisings,” referring to the riots in Minneapolis following the killing of George Floyd by police, and that it provided online training and “on the ground training and action support” for “mass uprisings.”[21]

It claims, “We trained thousands, supported over 100 organizations, and helped build movements.” It says its training focused on “street safety, de-escalation, street communications, and street medics for local direct action groups. We also provided in-person rapid response support during uprisings centered around direct action strategy and planning, technical assistance, and on-the-ground support for community groups that attended our training.”

The report says Ruckus Society organizes rapid response actions and training and provides “theory, strategy, and hands-on tactical skills of nonviolent direction action” that is “confrontational.” It also talks about having “created new community defense and de-escalation tactics” with the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights in 2017.

Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine

The Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine openly supported Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza in 2021, calling them “resistance groups.”[22] Congressional testimony by terrorism-finance expert Jonathan Schanzer in 2016 explained that its president, Ghassan Barakat,[23] is a Palestine Liberation Organization official and that the group’s coordinator, Senan Shaqdeh, [24] was a fighter for the PFLP terrorist group and is a co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, which not only supported the Hamas-led attacks on October 7, 2023, but declared itself to literally be a part of Hamas and not just a supporter.[25]

Code Pink[26]

Code Pink reacted to the October 7 attacks with a post on X that said, “The US-backed Israeli apartheid regime inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians. Israel is an occupying force. Palestinians have every right to resist it.”[27]

Colorado Palestine Coalition

Colorado Palestine Coalition co-organized a film screening and discussion with the Denver chapter of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, another pro-Hamas group. Their jointly authored social media post promoting the event said of the October 7 atrocities: “[T]he resistance organizations chose to launch a bold counter-offensive. This does not constitute terrorism. It is a basic fact of history that any people who are subjected to an occupation will resist that occupation.”[28]

The text further said the groups and attendees “will discuss the context behind the recent Palestinian counter-offensive and our responsibility to stand in solidarity with Palestinian freedom fighters.”

Columbia University Apartheid Divest

Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) is a coalition of over 115 groups that supports Hamas and the October 7 atrocities and is calling for terrorism and a violent insurgency on U.S. soil. It says it is dedicated to destroying Western civilization, is seeking guidance from foreign anti-American “militants,” and praised an anti-Israel arsonist.

The coalition held an event called “Resistance 101” with Samidoun, which is often described as a front for the PFLP because of its strong ties to the terrorist group. Charlotte Kates, Samidoun’s international coordinator, told the students, “There is nothing wrong with being a fighter in Hamas.” Her husband, Khaled Barakat, is a known senior PFLP member.[29]

The organizers undoubtedly knew that they were trying to hold a PFLP event. A simple internet search or going to Samidoun’s website will make that clear. Furthermore, the school banned the event twice specifically because of the group’s ties to terrorism and advocacy of violence. The students held it anyway and a few were suspended.[30]

CUAD idolizes Casey Goonan,[31] an anti-Israel terrorist who is being prosecuted for multiple acts of arson on the campus of the University of California-Berkeley and destroying a police car with a Molotov cocktail. The coalition published a post demanding that he be released along with text saying “Resistance is Love” and “Glory to All Our Martyrs.”[32]

The group continues to carry out acts of vandalism against the school in retaliation for disciplinary measures taken against its members.[33]

CUAD and Columbia University Bengali Student Association published a joint post on August 7, 2024 that said they are fighting to destroy Western civilization, are seeking guidance from foreign anti-American militants, and are calling for a violent anti-government revolution in the U.S.:

We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization. We stand in full solidarity with every movement for liberation in the Global South. Our intifada is an internationalist one—we are fighting for nothing less than the liberation of all people. We reject every genocidal, eugenicist regime that seeks to undermine the personhood of the colonized.

As the fascism ingrained in the American consciousness becomes ever more explicit and irrefutable, we seek community and instruction from militants in the Global South, who have been on the frontline in the fight against tyranny and domination which undergird the imperialist world order.[34]

The post calls on supporters of Palestinians in the United States to engage in violence and destruction, drawing inspiration from the overthrow of the government in Bangladesh. By complaining about “counter-insurgency,” the group is identifying themselves as insurgents:

The unwavering determination of Bangladeshi students and working class people sets a global precedent that we must incorporate into our actions for Palestine and against state repression.

After [Prime Minister] Hasina broadcasted messages denouncing the Biplob [revolution], insulting protestors and calling them ‘traitors,’ actionists set fire to the state broadcasting network’s headquarters. When the Awami League responded with further repression, cutting off Internet access for five days and imposing a curfew with “shoot-on-sight” orders for anyone in noncompliance, the protestors refused to relent or negotiate.

Instead, they directly resisted by breaking curfew, storming a jail and releasing over 800 inmates, and setting fire to the prison, government offices, and state vehicles. This is the only way to respond to state repression. As the movement for Palestine faces draconian censorship and counter-insurgency in the States, we must learn from our comrades in Bangladesh and continue to escalate until the empire crumbles.

The next slide in the post exalts Hamas’s October 7 atrocities and expresses its desire to commit similar violence in the United States:

The People’s Biplog [revolution] in Bangladesh is a crucial piece of the universal struggle against American imperialism. It is the Intifada. And just as the Palestinian resistance escalated the Intifada on October 7th, it is now the people of Bangladesh who are escalating the global battle for liberation.

By directly confronting military and police en masse, by not merely “engaging” but battling fascist agitators, by dismantling state infrastructure, they are moving the global resistance into a new phase of struggle. Those of us in the Western world have the obligation to meet them there.

CUAD then makes it even clearer it is talking about loss of life:

At least two hundred of our comrades in Bangladesh have been martyred by the Awami League in the past two weeks. At this very moment, the government is in the process of targeting, jailing, torturing, and enforcing the “disappearance” of all Bangladeshis who continue to resist.

These martyrs are paying an unfathomable price for the Global Intifada. To escalate at that level, to genuinely threaten the state, cannot be achieved without inviting tremendous tragedy and loss to one’s own community.

If we want to achieve liberation in America, we must be prepared to make these same sacrifices.

The last slide ends ominously: “We send love and wait to learn more from our comrades. Long live the People’s Biblop. Long live the Global Intifada.”

Common Counsel Foundation

Common Counsel Foundation[35] is the fiscal sponsor of Movement for Black Lives.[36]

Movement for Black Lives was involved in the creation of a “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit” that endorsed Hamas by showcasing a glorifying image of a Hamas paraglider associated with the October 7 attacks with the words  “Black Liberation for Palestinian Freedom” above it. [37]

The guide provides links for three guides from the Ruckus Society that endorse conducting illegal “direct actions,” including property destruction, evading law enforcement, using false IDs, occupations of buildings and land, seizing assets, revealing the identities of government agents, blockades, interfering with governmental or industrial operations, and economic shutdowns.[38]

Community Movement Builders[39]

Community Movement Builders (CMB) frequently promotes criminal protests on X and is strongly linked to militant anarchists, including those involved with the Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City coalition that is accused of waging a domestic terrorism campaign.

CMB works to unite communist and communist-allied militants. The objective of its Pan-African Solidarity Network is to unite black “liberation fighters all over the U.S.” and to “support leftist parties and radical organizations that rage against the predatory security and colonial states and/or build alternatives.”[40]

One of CMB’s initiatives is the Black Panther Party Veterans Mutual Aid Fund,[41] which provides support for members of the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army who have gone to prison for their crimes.[42] For example, the Panther Support Committee includes Dhoruba Bin Wahad, who spent 19 years in prison for shooting two police officers.

Bilal Sunni-Ali is a member of the CMB’s Panther Support Committee. According to the New Republic, Sunni-Ali “works on campaigns to free Jamil Al-Amin;” a former imam who is imprisoned for shooting two police officers and is the spiritual leader of a militant and criminal group called Ummah.[43]

The FBI describes Ummah as a violent extremist group whose “primary mission is to establish a separate, sovereign Islamic state (‘The Ummah’) within the borders of the United States, governed by Shariah Law. The Ummah is to be ruled over by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown.”

Ummah’s leaders promote the waging of a violent jihad against the U.S. government, including killing law enforcement personnel.

A senior leader of Ummah, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, was killed in a shootout with police in Detroit in 2009. His mosque in Michigan doubled as a training camp where children were indoctrinated and abused. The FBI recorded him discussing plans to carry out terrorist attacks on governmental targets and his intentions to move overseas so he could lead Ummah’s operations from abroad.[44]

One recording on February 6, 2009, caught Abdullah justifying suicide bombings. He urged Ummah followers to engage in violence and to support “Sheikh Osama Bin Laden,” the Taliban and Hezbollah.

CMB’s Panther Support Committee shares leadership with a radical group called the Jericho Movement, which says it advocates for “political prisoners” held in the U.S. The group is another endorser of the “Stop Cop City” campaign and had two members arrested during a violent protest in Boston in March 2023.[45]

CMB’s Panther Support Committee includes Jalil Abdul Muntaqim, a founder of the Jericho Movement. He served 49 years in prison for his involvement in killing two officers.[46]

Another Committee member is Ashanti Alston, who went to prison for robbing a bank with the intention of financing the Black Liberation Army. His bio states that he’s on the Jericho Movement’s Steering Committee.[47]

The Jericho Movement manual identifies a “political prisoner” as “anyone captured as a result of their involvement in the domestic national liberation struggles of this country, and those incarcerated because of their actions against capitalist structures as members of social and progressive organizations.”[48]

In other words, Jericho Movement stands by them because of their violent actions against the U.S., not because they believe they are innocent of the crimes they were charged with.

The Jericho Movement’s website also lists NYC Antifa as a partner.[49]

CMB is the fiscal sponsor of Black Alliance for Peace.[50]

Cornell Collective for Justice in Palestine

The Cornell Collective for Justice in Palestine posted two photos on its Facebook of a mural glorifying PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled, showing her smiling with a rifle and standing next to the words, “Don’t forget the struggle.”[51]

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)[52]

CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad publicly celebrated Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.[53]

While speaking at the annual convention of AMP, he said:

The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege, the walls of the concentration camp, on October 7. And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in. And yes, the people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves, and yes, Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense.

Awad also praised the Hamas terrorists for their faith and having supposedly earned their entry into heaven:

Israel did not scare them, because they knew their heaven is in Gaza, and if they would like to die, they will go to another heaven. That is the faith of the people of Gaza. That is why Gaza and the people of Gaza were able to transform everyone who is watching—they have learned from these people. Those who felt bad for Gaza—they don’t understand the equation. Those who thought that Gazans are less than those who can help them, they are mistaken. They are mistaken. The Gazans were victorious.

CAIR officials have a long history of voicing support for acts of terrorism against Israel. The Justice Department labeled CAIR as an “unindicted co-conspirator” during the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, an entity established by the Muslim Brotherhood to finance Hamas. The Justice Department listed CAIR among the entities that were or are part of the U.S. wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Federal prosecutors said in a court filing for a different counterterrorism trial:

From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists…the conspirators agreed to use deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists.[54]

CrimethInc Ex-Workers Collective

CrimethInc is known for creating, hosting and distributing militant resources to incite and assist a wide range of criminal, destructive and violent “direct actions” such as rioting, arson and fighting the police. Many of the materials provided to anti-Israel militants through the Escalate Network and other groups come from CrimethInc.[55]

One anti-Israel zine on CrimethInc that marvels at how students seized buildings and fought back against police who “were completely unprepared to face down the ferocity and intelligence of the student occupiers. The police were physically repelled from Siemens Hall and massive barricades were erected out of objects from within the building including chairs, desks, trash cans, and doors that had been removed from their hinges.”[56]

One of the article’s conclusions is that “the pro-Palestinian movement must be a movement against the police.”

Another guide produced by CrimethInc is specifically geared toward anti-Israel direct actions and advocates for a wider militant campaign that would arguably qualify as domestic terrorism.[57]

CUNY for Palestine

CUNY for Palestine endorsed the October 7, 2023, atrocities and supports Hamas and the Iran-led coalition of terrorist organizations and militias. Its stated goals include “dismantling” and “abolishing” CUNY, targeting law enforcement and the New York City government in order to “liberate” Harlem, and the “destruction of U.S. Empire.”

Its October 11, 2023, statement defends the Hamas-led terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7, stating that Palestinians have a “right to armed resistance,” characterizing it as Palestinian refugees returning to colonized lands and justifying the targeting of Israeli civilians by arguing that there is no such thing as a civilian “in a settler colonial state.”[58]

The statement also described U.S.-led “imperialist intervention” in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya as “genocidal violence.”

The text is endorsed by 52 organizational signatories as of July 26, 2024.[59]

On July 25, 2024, CUNY for Palestine released a statement declaring its intentions to destroy the City University of New York and “brutalize” and “escalate” against the city of New York.

It criticized the Gaza Solidarity Encampments for being too soft and conciliatory. The goal, according to CUNY for Palestine, should be the destruction of the school for its alleged complicity in Israel’s “genocide”:

The encampments were an escalatory response, but they often failed to envision an end goal beyond a meeting, a committee or an email. An encampment should not normalize the institution, it should disrupt it, dismantle it and abolish it. A principled encampment should not collaborate with the pigs. This includes campus “public safety.” Anyone that chooses to play the role of a pig is the enemy. [original emphasis][60]

The statement later says, “The city of New York and their pigs are going to keep brutalizing and escalating, and so will we.”

CUNY for Palestine’s statement also reflects its desire for harming police officers by demanding “the reinstatement of the Guillermo Morales/Assata Shakur community center, which existed because of a campus occupation.”

Shakur is an iconic figure among anti-American Marxist and anarchist militants. She was a ferociously anti-American terrorist from the Black Liberation Army who committed a spree of violent crimes including robberies and kidnappings and was ultimately imprisoned for murdering a police officer. She then escaped prison in 1979 and fled to Cuba, where she was harbored until she died in 2019.[61]

The group states that it “attempted to answer the call made by the steadfast Palestinian resistance to escalate from within the belly of the beast.” It further says it acts in alliance with the Iran-led coalition that includes the Syrian dictatorship, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq militias, and other terrorist groups:

Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq continue to respond to the Palestinian call by confronting the zionist entity, smashing all illusions of the occupation’s invincibility while they deal with entity’s outbursts. “The Axis of Resistance bears its responsibility not only in supporting Gaza but in doing more to serve the primary goal, which is stopping the aggression in all its forms.”

The fight is not just in solidarity, but in resisting assimilation to the colonial project. The CUNY 22 attempted to answer the call made by the steadfast Palestinian resistance to escalate from within the belly of the beast. We resist with Gaza. [original emphasis]

CUNY for Palestine also has ambitions for forceful actions off campus. It says, “The fight for a liberated Palestine is also a fight for a liberated Harlem, and the destruction of U.S. Empire.”

It also refers to “fighting in Atlanta,” an apparent reference to the Stop Cop City campaign that is linked to anarchist terrorists. Over 60 of the activists involved in that effort are being prosecuted, with dozens of them facing domestic terrorism charges.[62] The group has been involved in attacks on law enforcement and utility workers and various acts of arson and property damage.[63]

CUNY for Palestine’s closing paragraph uses the word “we” when referring to terrorists and extremists who are attacking Israel and fighting in Sudan’s civil war:

Whether we are fighting in Atlanta, New York City, Sudan, or Palestine, the enemy remains the same. The zionist entity escalates, so does the Palestinian Resistance. The pigs and institutions escalate, so do the agitators of the world! [original emphasis]

The use of the words “we are fighting” means CUNY for Palestine doesn’t just see itself as stalwart supporters of those forces. It sees itself as an actual part of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” and Hamas and the Sudanese Armed Forces in particular.

Dear Asian Youth

Dear Asian Youth’s reaction to the October 7, 2023 attacks was an October 17 post expressing support for “people resisting occupation” and mourning civilian casualties among Palestinians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and Syrians, but not Israelis.[64]

It reads:

We condemn the loss of life and livelihood Palestinian, Lebanese, Egyptian, and Syrian civilians are experiencing. We affirm, now more than ever, our solidarity with a group of people resisting occupation for generations. Free Palestine.


Dear Asian Youth reaffirms its unequivocal support for Palestine and those affected by recent events in Gaza. We strongly stand against the senseless violation of human rights that has been occurring for generations. Dear Asian Youth believes that all Palestinians have the right to live a just, dignified, and safe life. The Israeli apartheid must end in order to move towards a safer Southern Levant.

Another post on October 19 appears to contradict itself by legitimizing the October 17 attacks as “resistance” while saying the group “does not condone or support antisemitism nor violence enacted against civilians.”[65]

However, the statements can be reconciled because supporters of the attacks and anti-Israeli terrorism don’t believe it is possible for an Israeli to qualify as a civilian and/or argues that the attacks did not purposely target civilians and the casualties were just collateral damages incurred pursuing a legitimate military objective.

The post says “Palestinian resistance is the culmination of generations worth of oppression” and “To frame resistance as a ‘surprise’ and ‘unexpected’ is an erasure of the perpetual violence and worsening political context for Palestinians long before October 7th.”

Decolonize Palestine

Decolonize Palestine is run from Ramallah by Rawan Masri and her husband, Fathi. She wrote a widely distributed article titled “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was an Act of Decolonization” that justifies the October 7 attacks. [66] It is also promoted by the pro-terrorism Resistance News Network and its presence at campus protests has noted.[67]

It reads in part:

From the moment those fighters flew in on paramotors, disrupting the parallel reality that was this music festival, they accomplished something profound (one must wonder what it felt like for these fighters to see a party just outside where they have been trapped under a suffocating blockade).

They reimagined their relation to the land not as something in the distance but as a tangible place for them to set foot on. They entered the rest of their homeland not through a checkpoint hoping to be granted a permit, but as a force to be reckoned with.

They were autonomous, enacting their will by force against this population of heavily militarized settlers, the very vast majority of whom have “served” or are currently in the Israeli military where careers are made out of Palestinian suffering and death. That moment when a (Palestinian! For Once!) bulldozer took down the fence was decolonization in practice: that fence, and the snipers behind it defending the settler-colonial order, were overcome.[68]

The Palestinian resistance did nothing less than lay the groundwork for the end of violent Israeli rule over our lands. They did so by employing a violence to end the root cause of the oppression of Palestinians, not do another spin of the so-called “cycle.”

Decolonize This Place

Decolonize This Place repeatedly expressed its support for the October 7 attacks and Hamas on Instagram until Meta deleted its account. It even referred to itself as being a part of Hamas, saying “Today, we are confronting the armed Israeli settlers and the colonial settler army” along with various images and videos of the attacks.[69]

It continued to post videos of Hamas attacking civilian communities with the statement, “This is a new chapter in the Palestinian ‘struggle’ for liberation that everyone everywhere is invited to join.”

It also claimed that “referring to the resistance as ‘Hamas’ is a deliberate attempt to undermine the credibility for liberation” because “Hamas is an acronym for the Islamic resistance movement, one of the many factions involved in the liberation of the land.”

Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City

This coalition of mostly anarchist and anarcho-communist militants often operate under the “Antifa” branding and is primarily focused on combating the police in Georgia. It seems to have a strong following among supporters of the current anti-Israel protest movement. It loudly supports the demonstrations, often egging on resistance to law enforcement and sharing materials for militancy.

The state of Georgia is prosecuting dozens of its members on charges related to domestic terrorism, including engaging in arson, property damage and violence against law enforcement personnel and utility workers to try to stop the construction of the police training facility it has labeled as Cop City.[70]

Democratic Socialists of America[71]

The immediate reaction of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to the October 7 attacks was to declare solidarity with the Palestinians without any expression of sorrow for innocent Israelis. It blamed Israel for the occurrence of the attacks.[72]

In fairness, DSA did say, “We unequivocally condemn the killing of all civilians. It is imperative for international human rights law to be respected.”

However, it is common for supporters of the October 7 attacks and Hamas to mislead others about their true beliefs by making such statements without explaining that they don’t consider Israelis to be civilians or that they consider the civilian casualties on October 7 to be unavoidable and necessary collateral damage. DSA’s later statements show that this is indeed the case.

DSA said in April:

The just armed resistance in Palestine, as well as Israel’s heinous crimes against humanity perpetrated in the wake of the Palestinian resistance’s counteroffensive, has become a point of primary contradiction in the struggle against American imperialism. The ruling class interests clearly align with continuing to support the settler-colonial entity known as Israel. The working masses recognize that the Palestinian cause is righteous. It is the duty of socialists and the American working class to oppose the government’s imperialist policies in solidarity with, and in the interest of, the global working class and the Palestinian people in particular.[73]

DSA also expressed solidarity with the government of Iran and support for its April 13 attack on Israel. It said:

On April 13th, Iran launched a limited defensive strike against Israel, hitting several Israeli bases including the Netavim Air Base from which the attack on the Damascus consulate was launched. The strike was telegraphed in advance, allowing for ample preparation by Israel and the U.S. The strike’s success highlights the ability of Iran to defend itself against Zionist aggression and restore crucial deterrence against increasingly rogue Israeli actions. Additionally, the Iranian defensive strikes have helped to further undermine the mantle of invincibility which the Zionist project has constructed in order to allow its continual ethnic cleansing and genocide in their colonial occupation of Palestine.[74]

Diaspora Pa’lante

Diaspora Pa’lante is an anti-American, Marxist Puerto Rican separatist group that is pro-Hamas and pro-communism.

It says it is:

[A] group of Boricuas and allies from across Turtle Island [North and Central America] who are committed to fighting for the complete liberation of Borikén by any means necessary for the land and for our people. We are actively anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and anti-patriarchal. We respect femmes/two spirit people, the LGBTQIA+ community, the youth, elders—all that are fighting for the independence and sovereignty of their indigenous lands and people, and in solidarity for our country, Borikén [Puerto Rico].[75]

Boriken was the name of Puerto Rican before the Spanish arrived in 1493.

Diaspora Pa’lante endorsed Hamas’s October 7, 2023, atrocities against Israel, which also killed nearly 40 Americans. Its statement on October 10 said:

The Diaspora Pa’lante Collective stands in full support of the Palestinian people and their right to resist by any means necessary….Make no mistake that Hamas, the elected party of Gaza, and the other resistance forces have every right to struggle by any means necessary against the Israeli Occupation Forces and the settlers that occupy the land.[76]

The group signed a June 2024 statement written by groups linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Marxist-Leninist terrorist group that supports the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen and justifies their attacks on international shipping vessels in the Red Sea. The statement more broadly aligns the signatories with the Iran-led “Axis of Resistance” terrorist coalition that includes Hamas, PFLP, and Hezbollah.[77]

On November 12, 2023, it published a post stating that the Puerto Rican, Haitian, and Palestinian “resistance” movements are aligned. It expressed support for violence in Puerto Rican, saying that its “resistance movement in Boriken has been nonviolent…But the resistance movement in our country has also greatly relied on armed struggle…The right to resist colonization is a human right.”[78]

On July 31, 2024, it honored the slain leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, posting an Instagram story with a graphic describing him as a “symbol of resilience and sacrifice.”

The group glorifies the late Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro and celebrates the anniversary of the revolution he led in 1959 that led to his regime’s empowerment.[79]

The group’s self-description refers to the U.S. as Turtle Island, a mythical land that some Native American traditions claim encompassed North and Central America. The name is inspired by a creation story about a supernatural being creating the continent by placing soil on top of a turtle’s shell during a global flood and the soil turned into the land.[80]

The term is used to express a refusal to recognize the existence of the United States and a belief that it should be abolished so the land can be given back to the indigenous peoples. Anti-Israel activists deploy the term to draw an equivalence between Israel and the U.S. as illegitimate, oppressive states against which violent “resistance” can be justified.


Dissenters partnered with the pro-Hamas extremist groups Dream Defenders, Movement for Black Lives,[81] BlackOUT Collective,[82] and Black for Palestine[83] to create a “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit” for anti-Israel protestors.[84]

The bottom of page 13 contains a glorifying image of a Hamas paraglider associated with the October 7 attacks with the words “Black Liberation for Palestinian Freedom” above it.

Dissenters and Asians for Palestine coauthored a social media post in which they said they would not honor the lives of fallen U.S. military members on Memorial Day. Dissenters said it “reject[s]” the holiday because it is “commemorating U.S. military aggression, glorifying the U.S. Imperialism, victimizing U.S. war crimes.”[85]

Instead, it showed a “People’s Memorial” consisting of artwork condemning U.S. actions. The pieces condemn the U.S. as “bloodthirsty,’ call on viewers to “resist and topple U.S. imperialism,” and have the slogan, “Long live the resistance” with the multiple upside-down red triangles that are used to signify support for Hamas’s violent actions.

Dissenters also teamed up with the pro-Hamas extremist groups Students for Justice in Palestine and Palestinian Youth Movement to launch a National Student Day of Action for Divestment on February 8, 2024. The coalition created a guide for organizing and carrying out the protests.[86]

The document emphasizes that the groups and protest participants are part of a global anti-Western, anti-American revolution aligned with those fighting U.S. influence around the world: “Let us be clear—we are anti-zionists, anti-imperialists, and fighting for the collective liberation of all people, from the US to Palestine, Palestine to Kashmir, and Kashmir to the Philippines.”

The groups state that their goal is “weakening the U.S. Empire” and to essentially remove the U.S. government, law enforcement, and ruling institutions from power:

We reject all forms of militarization—from the day-to-day presence of police in our neighborhoods to occupiers in Gaza. As strugglers in the heart of the empire, we seek to build a path to liberation by taking away the power of political and corporate elites and dismantling imperialism and the weapons of war that safeguard it.

The document also refers to the U.S. as Turtle Island, a mythical land that some Native American traditions claim encompassed North and Central America. The name is inspired by a creation story about a supernatural being creating the continent by placing soil on top of a turtle’s shell during a global flood and the soil turned into the land.[87]

The term is used to express a refusal to recognize the existence of the United States and a belief that it should be abolished so the land can be given back to the indigenous peoples. Anti-Israel activists deploy the term to draw an equivalence between Israel and the U.S. as illegitimate, oppressive states who violent “resistance” can be justified against.

The guide gives instructions on how to organize protests with different levels of severity offered to demonstrators, ranging from printing posters to illegal acts like taking over and “occupying” buildings, forming blockades, and disrupting events.

It links to two guides on two militant anarchist websites where readers can find incitements to criminal activity and violence and instructions for carrying out destructive acts.[88] [89]

Another activism guide created by Dissenters, the “Divest in Militarism, Invest in Life” toolkit, talks about targeting corporate and weapons manufacturing sites.[90]

That guide then links to another Dissenters guide titled “Organizing a Direct Action at Weapons Manufacturing Sites” that advocates for blocking access to buildings used by defense contractors.[91]

This one tells readers to “check out these additional ideas” and links to a document that suggests actions like “property destruction,” “nonviolent land seizure,” “obstruction,” “disrupting industry or government procedure,” “seizure of assets,” “disclosing identities of secret agents,” and “hiding, escape, and false identities.”[92]

Dissenters is also listed on the Shut It Down for Palestine website as an endorser. The coalition praises how “protesters have shut down highways, train stations, and bridges in the United States; [and] activists have targeted Israeli weapons manufacturers.”[93]

The group also collaborates with the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee to advise activists on how to avoid paying some of their taxes to the IRS as a way of not funding U.S. military and national security activities.[94]

On the Fourth of July in 2024, at least three Dissenters chapters liked a post by Dream Defenders that bashed the holiday, glorified anti-American violence, and ridiculed Martin Luther King Jr.’s nonviolent activism.[95]

The post depicts the U.S. in the most villainous ways, accusing the U.S. of never having done anything positive for “our people.” It casts the country as “the enemy of freedom struggles all over the world” and even blames the United States for the bloodshed and despair of “our people” in Haiti, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan.

It concluded with, “We celebrate all people’s refusal to participate in the death cult that is American patriotism—a death cult that has never done anything good for our people, and that never will.”

The New York City chapter of Dissenters liked a Fourth of July post published by the pro-Hamas extremist groups Within Our Lifetime and Bronx Antiwar Coalition announcing an anti-American rally on the holiday and expressing support for anti-American terrorism.[96]

The text declares solidarity with those “resisting” the U.S. in places like Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Kashmir, which means they are in alliance with the theocratic Iranian regime, the Iran-backed Assad dictatorship in Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and Pakistan-backed jihadist terrorists in Kashmir.

It then endorses a quote from so-called freedom fighter Leila Khaled, a PFLP terrorist who is best known as being the first woman to oversee the hijacking of an airplane, that calls for “strike[s]” against the U.S anywhere and everywhere. It reads:

As Palestine resists the most intense period of the U.S.-backed genocide since 1948, Congo, Syria, Sudan, Lebanon, Yemen, Haiti, Kashmir and countries all across the world continue to resist U.S. imperialism. July 4th is not a day to be celebrated while the U.S. wraps its hands around the necks of the world in the pursuit of hegemony, resources and exploitation. As Palestinian freedom fighter Leila Khaled explains, “Any strike anywhere against US imperialism is a step towards freedom.

Dream Defenders[97]

Dream Defenders (DD) identifies itself as socialist, black feminist, internationalist, and abolitionist. It explains that its definition of abolitionism is eliminating all prisons, policing, surveillance, and punishment.[98]

DD says,

We believe that our liberation necessitates the destruction of the political and economic systems of Capitalism and Imperialism as well as Patriarchy. We believe in People over profits. We believe that nonviolent resistance is the only morally and practically sound method open to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and are fundamentally committed to nonviolence as our means of struggle against a violent oppressor.[99]

However, DD has a long history of advocacy for violent terrorist groups and communist militants.

Its 2024 Fourth of July post glorifies anti-American violence.[100]

The first slide says that the holiday celebrates when a “white nationalist state was born” and that DD pledges to “recommit to struggling towards the end of this empire.”

The other slides in the post justify anti-American violence. One ridicules Martin Luther King Jr.’s nonviolence. It grossly mischaracterizes his activism as being premised on a foolish belief that oppressors’ hearts will change if they see minorities suffering more.

DD condemns the U.S. for essentially being the greatest horror the world has ever known, accusing the U.S. of never having done anything positive for “our people.” It casts the country as “the enemy of freedom struggles all over the world” and even blames the U.S. for the bloodshed and despair of “our people” in Haiti, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan.

Rather than celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, DD said it would instead celebrate themselves and their self-proclaimed “genius”:

If we celebrate anything today, it is the genius of our people’s resistance. We celebrate our people’s dreams of, and organizing towards, self-determination. We celebrate all people’s refusal to participate in the death cult that is American patriotism—a death cult that has never done anything good for our people, and that never will.

After the Hamas-led attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023, DD created and distributed a “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit.” The guide showcases a glorifying image of a Hamas paraglider committing the attacks. The words “Black Liberation for Palestinian Freedom” are above it.[101]

In January 2020, DD expressed solidarity with Iran after the U.S. killed senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps General Qassem Suleimani in Iraq. Suleimani oversaw the Iranian government’s operations to support terrorists around the world and was responsible for the deaths and injuring of hundreds of U.S. troops and countless Iraqis, Israelis, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Yemenis.[102]

The pro-Iran post included a link to a longer statement accusing the Trump Administration of trying “to provoke Iran into a war,” identifying other supposed provocations as the U.S. use of a spy drone for conducting intelligence on Iran (which the Iranians shot down) and the U.S. government (accurately) accusing Iran of being responsible for a swarm of drones that attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia in September 2019.[103]

The statement accused anyone supporting the U.S. “imperialist aggression” of having a “profoundly white supremacist sentiment.” It depicted the highly precise U.S. airstrike that killed Suleimani as proof that the U.S. government has “little regard” for Iraqi lives. No civilians were killed.

DD supports Hamas but its favorite terrorist group is the communist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which also participated in the October 7 attacks.

An October 23, 2023, post about solidarity between black Americans and Palestinians recalled fondly how:

In the 70s, the Black Panther Party would often use a picture of Leila Khaled, a fighter in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as imagery for an intercommunal fight against white supremacy. Palestinians have also returned that support. In 2014, Palestinians reached out to BLM protesters in Ferguson and taught them how to deal with tear gas.[104]

PFLP was exalted as a “revolutionary” group by DD in March 2016 in a long series of Instagram posts, some of which read as follows:

  • “[PFLP] wants to liberate all of Palestine by establishing a democratic socialist Palestinian state that includes the destruction of the zionist state and the return of the Palestinian refugees.”[105]
  • “[PFLP] want[s] to create a communist, working-class party, and the best way they see to do that is to liberate Palestine from Israeli rule.”[106]
  • “They want to be free from global imperialism. They want liberation. They want equal rights.”[107]
  • “The PFLP is fighting against Israel, the Zionist movement, the Palestinian Authority governing body, global imperialism, and Arab reaction.”[108]
  • “The PFLP believe that the workers of the world must unite and free themselves from capitalist oppression to create a world run by and for the working class.”[109]

DD sends a group to Israel and the Palestinian Territories almost annually. DD’s then-Chief Operating Officer and organizer of the group’s Palestine Delegation trips, Ahmad Abuznaid, said in 2015 that one of the annual tour’s main purposes is “to build real relationships with those on the ground leading the fight for liberation.”[110]

On its August 2019 trip, DD’s Palestine Delegation met with Palestinian Islamic Jihad supporter Dareen Tatour, who DD deceptively described as a poet who was imprisoned by Israel for criticizing the government and supporting “resistance.”[111] It left out important facts and context.[112]

Tatour was imprisoned for inciting terrorism because she used her exceptional influence to inspire Palestinians to respond to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s call to engage in violence inside Israel proper and the West Bank. She also made her Facebook profile picture an image with the words, “I am the next martyr,” strongly indicating that she was planning to die in a violent confrontation with Israelis soon.

When her supporters claim she was convicted for merely writing a poem, they leave out the previous facts and the relevance of the timing of her actions. When she uploaded a video featuring a reading of her poem, “Resist My People, Resist,” it was in October 2015 during the “stabbing intifada.” The video showed images of Palestinians attacking Israeli forces using rocks and slingshots, obviously demonstrating that her calls for “resistance” were referring to the ongoing violence.

DD’s group also met with Omar Barghouti, the leader of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC). A large component of the BNC is the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, an umbrella body that coordinates the activities of various extremist groups including the terrorist organizations Hamas, PFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.[113]

BNC responded to the October 7 attacks with a statement that expressed solidarity with the “Palestinian freedom fighters” and their “justified use of armed resistance against the oppressors’ military and civilians.”[114] BNC then removed the language and added a note claiming that hackers had edited their statements.[115] Its website still praises wave of terrorist attacks in 2015-2016 known as the “stabbing intifada” or “knife intifada.”[116]

On the same trip, DD’s Palestine Delegation also met with Addameer, a front for the PFLP.[117] The meeting inspired DD to post a demand that Israel “free all political prisoners,” echoing the phraseology used by the terrorist groups’ supporters to call for the release of their imprisoned members.[118]

The delegation also met with the Badil Resource Center,[119] whose leadership supports the PFLP.[120]

For its 2016 trip, the delegation’s tour guide was PFLP member Mahmoud Jiddah.[121] He, his brother Abdallah and his cousin, Ali, were arrested in 1968[122] and later convicted for detonating explosives in Jerusalem that injured 22 people. He and Ali were released from imprisonment in 1985 as part of a deal between Israel and the PFLP.[123]

Canary Mission reports that when Abuznaid spoke at Jewish Voice for Peace’s National Membership Meeting the previous year, he said, “We [the Dream Defenders Palestine Delegation] walked up to a brother named Ali Jiddah—you may have heard the name. He’s…a phenomenal brother who had spent 17 years in Israeli prisons for his acts of resistance.”[124]

In May 2016, the group posted a photo taken by its Palestine Delegation that showed a street sign with the PFLP logo, accompanied with text boasting that they had visited PFLP “turf” at the Dheisheh refugee camp.[125]

The 2016 and 2015 trips included meetings with prominent PFLP supporter Ayed Arafah.[126] [127]

The 2015 trip led by Abuznaid included members of Black Lives Matter,[128] Hands Up United,[129] and Justice League NYC.[130] Other participants were anti-Israel activists Aja Monet and Marc Lamont Hill, who’d later be fired by CNN in 2018 for endorsing the use of violence to eliminate Israel.[131] Hill also later criticized the labeling of Hamas as terrorists and said, “even if you think that what happened on October 7 was an act of terrorism…”[132]

Abuznaid, who co-founded DD in 2012 and was its chief operating officer and legal and policy director until September 2016, has a history of supporting and associating with the PFLP terrorist group. He remained involved with DD for years after his departure, including interviewing applicants for the group’s 2018 Palestine Delegation.[133]

After leaving DD, became the Director of the National Network for Arab American Communities in February 2017. He then became the executive director for the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights in August 2020.

According to Canary Mission, Abuznaid publicly expressed support for terrorists almost two dozen times from 2012 to 2019.[134]

He tweeted, “Leila Khaled is a freedom fighter and she taught us how to fight.”[135] Khaled is a PFLP terrorist who is known as the first female to oversee the successful hijacking of a plane. He took a photo with another PFLP terrorist, Rasmea Odeh, and gushed that she’s a “revolutionary bad ass.”[136]

As was already mentioned, Canary Mission reports that he boasted about meeting a PFLP terrorist named Ali Jiddah in 2015, who he called “a phenomenal brother who had spent 17 years in Israeli prisons for his acts of resistance.”[137]

Jiddah was arrested alongside his cousin, fellow PFLP terrorist Mahmoud, in 1968 for setting off explosives in Jerusalem that injured 22 people.[138] Mahmoud served as DD’s tour guide for their trip in 2016. They were released in 1985 as part of a deal between Israel and PFLP.[139]

DD strongly admires anti-American militants inspired by communism.

The group expressed disdain for the United States as a country in July 2016 when it posted a photo of a protest sign that reads, “Convict Amerikkka.”[140]

It glorifies famous communist cop-killers. DD even writes supportively about a 1970 attack on a California courthouse that resulted in four deaths and a 1971 attempt by black communist inmates to break out of a prison by holding hostages, murdering three prison guards and two white inmates, and shooting and stabbing three other prison guards.

In February 2023, it posted an image that says, “Always Carry A Board,” referring to the “ACAB” acronym that means “All Cops Are Bastards.” Anti-police extremists often write “ACAB” by sarcastically associating each letter with innocuous words as a safer way of uttering the phrase.[141]

In December 2015, DD celebrated that long-time communist activist[142] and Black Panther Party[143] supporter Angela Davis had joined its advisory board.[144] It announced that it would be hosting a speaking engagement for her in Miami. Davis was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union in 1979.[145]

Davis was arrested for her alleged involvement in the aforementioned attack on a California courthouse. The attack was spearheaded by her close associate, Jonathan Jackson, and the perpetrators used three guns that were purchased by Davis. Jackson used a sawed-off shotgun that Davis bought by at a pawn shop only two days prior to the attack.

She was also seen with Jackson near the courthouse the day before the attack. The van they were in was later used by Jackson to arrive at the courthouse with his weapons and was intended to be used as a getaway vehicle.[146]

The goal of the attack was to free Black Panther James McClain, who was on trial for stabbing a prison guard along with two other Black Panther convicts who were present to serve as defense witnesses.

They also sought the release of the three “Soledad Brothers” who had murdered a prison guard by beating him and dropping him from a position three stories high. One of the “Soledad Brothers,” George Jackson, was Jonathan’s brother. He became a communist ideologue in prison and formed the Black Guerilla Family prison gang. He frequently exchanged letters with Davis.

Jonathan Jackson entered the courthouse and armed McClain and the two defense witnesses and the four of them took five people as hostages: the judge, the district attorney, and three jurors. The communist Black Panther supporters engaged in a shootout with police when they tried to escape with the hostages.

Three of the four militants were killed, including Jackson, and the one who survived was shot and paralyzed. The judge was murdered. The district attorney survived but became paralyzed, and a juror was shot in the arm.

The federal government issued an arrest warrant for Davis and she became a fugitive for two months until she was arrested. She was ultimately acquitted of all charges after a jury exonerated her in 1972. She claimed that Jackson was her bodyguard who protected her when she engaged in activism for the Soledad Brothers, so she bought the guns for self-defense, and Jackson used them on his own accord.

In addition to having Davis as an advisory board member, DD published a post in August 2022 that idolized George Jackson’s “life as a revolutionary in a long and unbroken line of resistance and sacrifice of Black people throughout history.”[147] It previously glorified George Jackson in October 2020.[148]

It claimed he was “assassinated” during a “prison rebellion” in 1971. DD also favorably mentioned how “George Jackson’s own younger brother Jonathan was killed while attempting to free the Soledad Brothers from prison.”

The true context of George Jackson’s death was that a gun was smuggled to him, possibly by his lawyer (who was acquitted), as part of his leading of a plot by militant inmates to bloodily escape the prison. Jackson led the seizing of six hostages, consisting of four corrections officers and two white inmates.

Three officers and both white inmates were then murdered, with their bodies being placed inside Jackson’s prison cell. Jackson was shot and killed when he escaped into the yard. Three other officers were seriously wounded by being stabbed and shot. Six inmates were arrested for their involvement in the plot. Three were convicted and three were exonerated.

Besides PFLP, Davis, and the Jacksons, DD has also honored the following extremists:

  • Assata Shakur, a militant communist supporter of the Black Panthers who was convicted of murdering a police officer and then fled to Cuba and received safe harbor from its communist government for the rest of her life.[149]
  • The militant Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), an anarcho-communist group that led a revolt against the Mexican government.[150]
  • Yuri Kochiyama, a Japanese American who was forced into an internment camp during World War II and later became an anti-American activist who supported communism and black nationalism.[151] After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she idolized Osama Bin Laden and said the U.S. is the real enemy of the world.[152]
  • Young Lords Party, an anti-American Puerto Rican group that DD identifies as Marxist.[153]
  • The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in Nicaragua, an anti-American group influenced by communism, anarchism and Christian Socialism.[154] DD acknowledges its Marxist-influenced “guerilla warfare.”[155] DD says it “was an anti-imperialist, leftist revolutionary organization” but “now it’s the current ruling party with a democratic-socialist stance.”[156]
  • LeftRoots,[157] a self-described revolutionary socialist group founded in 2014[158] that DD says was created to challenge a “period dominated by a ruling class hell-bent on intensifying imperialist war, neoliberal austerity, unfettered extraction of natural resources, and militarized crackdowns.”[159] DD also quotes LeftRoots as speaking of the day when “we have tossed capitalism into the trash-bin of history.”[160]
  • Thomas Sankara, a communist militant who launched a coup to become the first President of Burkina Faso in 1983 with assistance from Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Sankara openly admired Fidel Castro and Che Guevera. He was sometimes referred to as “Africa’s Che Guevera.”[161]
  • Jalil Muntaqim, a former militant of the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army who was convicted for his involvement in murdering two police officers. He was released in 2020.[162]

DD is fiscally sponsored as a project of Tides Advocacy and the Dream Defenders Education Fund is a project of Tides Center.[163]

Escalate Network/Ready to Escalate

The Escalate Network (EN) is an anonymous group that describes its militancy-related activity as “open-source resistance” without central planning[164] and states its purpose as follows:

The people of Palestine have called for this movement to escalate its pressure. We are here to answer that call and help this movement ESCALATE. We want this movement to break out of the confines of universities, to spread throughout society, paralyzing the economy that is driving the genocide of the Palestinian people, and has made all of us complicit in decades of colonial war.[165]

EN refers to Hamas not as a terrorist group, but as “the Palestinian resistance.”[166]

In May 2024, told its 6,000 followers that “the NYT editorial board is going to hell and it is up to all free people to send them there,” an obvious way of inciting its audience to murder them.[167]

The group also agreed with a X post calling on anti-Israel activists to increase their aggression above the threshold of setting police vehicles on fire and breaking windows. It added, “yes, what we need is organized efforts capable of fomenting and sustaining an american intifada.” The use of the word “intifada” refers to bloody terrorist campaigns waged against Israel by Palestinian terrorists, who also targeted many Palestinians.[168]

EN provides advice for militants to learn how to commit destructive activism or, as they like to call them, “direct actions.” Its website has a library of materials to help anti-Israel militants in committing crime or even violence under the heading, “Heed the Call: Escalate for Gaza!” The documents advocate for and assist rioting, fighting law enforcement, looting, arson, and a wide range of other attacks.[169] One provided direct-action guide introduces readers to other militant resources including advice from the Earth First eco-terrorist group.[170]

The group often urges movement members to study the Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City coalition of “activists,” over 60 of which are being prosecuted by the state of Georgia. Many of them are accused of engaging in domestic terrorism.[171] Their crimes include arson, property damage, and violently attacking police and utility workers to prevent the construction of a police training facility that the militants have branded as “Cop City.”[172]

It has a library with many resources for anarchist activity under the heading, “Heed the call: Escalate for Gaza!” It includes resources that advocate for and assist rioting, looting, arson, and fighting law enforcement.[173]

A number of materials come from the Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City coalition that includes dozens of militants accused of waging a domestic terrorism campaign. One direct-action guide introduces readers to other militant resources including advice from the Earth First eco-terrorist group.[174]

EN’s desire is to regularly incite destruction and violence. It celebrated an attack in the United Kingdom[175] on the internet cables of a Leonard weapons factory by Palestine Action, which also has a U.S.-based wing.[176] The attackers said it was selected because it builds the targeting systems for Israel’s F-35 fighter jets. EN emphasized that such attacks can be done by anyone using household items.

EN has repeatedly pressured student protesters to engage in violence. For instance, the group wrote a thread advising them how to position their encampments and choose terrain to fight from.[177] Another post urged protesters to stage attacks on police:

What happened at Cal Poly Humboldt? 100s of cops laid siege to the campus and waited many, many hours until most protestors had gone home and the student occupiers were very tired. There was little defense. Going forward, we fight when WE are ready, not when they are.[178]

It celebrated “amazing resistance to the cops” who had arrived to take down an encampment. According to the post, demonstrators fought the police and pushed them back and one demonstrator successfully resisted arrest.[179] On another occasion, EN cheered how students supposedly expelled police from the campus by marching forward while holding umbrellas as a defensive measure.[180]

EN amplified a report about the violent radicalization of protesters at the University of Arizona. It quoted from the account: “We would stay and fight. This from [those] who decided to disperse the day before. They changed their minds, not because they were overruled or outvoted but because they themselves overcame their own caution: this was a moment of transformation.”[181]

EN is apparently very frustrated with student protesters for being insufficiently militant and for getting the credit for the entirety of the movement. It complained:

This is why we must continuously DECENTER STUDENT VOICES. This is NOT a student movement. Anyone who does not intend to reduce and obstruct the capacity of the USA to arm and protect Israeli occupational violence in Palestine is the real opportunist! Beware of student bureaucrats![182]

It ridicules students it sees as too soft in their negotiations with college and university officials. EN said, “Any student org negotiating the eviction of an encampment for fake ‘steps towards divestment’ is betraying the Palestinian people. If you have to leave, leave with a bang. Cede NOTHING without a fight.”[183]

EN specifically bashed student protesters at the University of Wisconsin for agreeing to end their encampment in exchange for funding scholarships for students from Gaza and having representation on committees.[184] It followed that up with a post that reads:

There’s nothing more demoralizing than self-eviction and internal policing. No ‘task force on divestment’ will end the genocide. We must generate a political crisis that goes far and beyond campus. For that, every encampment must go with one hell of a bang. FIGHT BACK![185]


[1] Catalyst Project (@_catalystproject_), “Dear Catalyst Community: I wake up to an early morning text from a dear friend in Gaza who is trying to survive Israel’s genocidal siege against his people.,” Instagram, October 12, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyTyvh7vIR4/.

[2] InfluenceWatch, “Weather Underground,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/weather-underground-weatherman-weathermen/.

[3] Catalyst Project, “Advisors,” https://collectiveliberation.org/our-organization/advisors/.

[4] Tides, “Tides Partners,” https://www.tides.org/partners/#catalyst-project.

[5] ActBlue, “Catalyst Project,” https://secure.actblue.com/donate/catalystproject.

[6] Ceasefire for the Kids (@ceasefireforthekids), “#ismailhaniyeh #glorytoourmartyrs #freepalestine,” Instagram, July 31, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C-EzZkqR1Sq/.

[7] InfluenceWatch, “Center for Constitutional Rights,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/center-for-constitutional-rights/.

[8] Anti-Defamation League, “Fringe-Left Groups Express Support for Hamas’s Invasion and Brutal Attacks in Israel,” October 12, 2023, https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/fringe-left-groups-express-support-hamass-invasion-and-brutal-attacks-israel.

[9] InfluenceWatch, “Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO),” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/center-for-third-world-organizing-ctwo/.

[10] InfluenceWatch, “BlackOUT Collective,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/blackout-collective/.

[11] InfluenceWatch, “Ruckus Society,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/ruckus-society/.

[12] Center for Third World Organizing, “We are Now a Hub,” https://ctwo.org/moving-forward/.

[13] Open Society Foundations, “Awarded Grants,” https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/past?grant_id=OR2023-91798.

[14] Dissenters, “Donate,” https://wearedissenters.org/donate/.

[15] Action Network, “Dissenters,” https://actionnetwork.org/groups/dissenters.

[16] Dream Defenders, “The Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit,” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYcgfszZIkWTK2jn8L1uRq8FQZH0g1_N/view.

[17] InfluenceWatch, “Ruckus Society,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/ruckus-society/.

[18] Activist Facts, “Ruckus Society,” https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/188-ruckus-society/.

[19] InfluenceWatch, “Earth First!,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/earth-first/.

[20] InfluenceWatch, “Earth Liberation Front (ELF),” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/earth-liberation-front-elf/.

[21] Center for Third World Organizing, “TRS 20-21 Annual Report,” https://ctwo.org/trs-20-21-report/.

[22] Chicago For Palestine (@chi4palestine), “Resistance groups engage its air defenses in response to intense airstrikes,” Instagram, August 23, 2021, https://www.instagram .com/p/CS8OOxnKKjw/.

[23] Jonathan Schanzer, “Israel Imperiled: Threats to the Jewish State,” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, April 19, 2016, https://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA18/20160419/104817/HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-SchanzerJ-20160419.pdf.

[24] InfluenceWatch, “Palestine Liberation Organization,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/palestine-liberation-organization-plo/.

[25] InfluenceWatch, “Students for Justice in Palestine,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/national-students-for-justice-in-palestine/.

[26] InfluenceWatch, “Code Pink,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/codepink/.

[27] CODEPINK (@codepink), “The US-backed Israeli apartheid regime inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians.,” X, October 7, 2023, 11:05 AM, https://x.com/codepink/status/1710672752464613643.

[28] PSL Denver (@denverpsl), “Join us alongside @copalestineco for a film screening of Gaza Fights for Freedom,” Instagram, October 13, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyWmIIzPpKN/.

[29] Isabel Vincent and Dana Kennedy, “Pro-Terror Radical Launched 2-Hour Anti-Israel Tirade at Columbia University Event Weeks Before Protests Exploded: ‘Nothing Wrong with Being a Hamas Fighter,’“ New York Post, April 24, 2024, https://nypost.com/2024/04/24/us-news/palestinian-radical-at-columbia-nothing-wrong-with-hamas/.

[30] Tawnell D. Hobbs, Valerie Bauerlein, and Dan Frosch, “Activist Groups Trained Students for Months Before Campus Protests,” Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2024, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/activist-groups-trained-students-for-months-before-campus-protests/ar-AA1o76g0.

[31] Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) (@cuapartheiddivest), “CUAD stands in full support of Casey Goonan and all people resisting oppressive imperialist entities from Palestine to UCB to Columbia.,” Instagram, June 20, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C8cjXIkN4Yl/?img_index=1.

[32] Emilie Raguso, “Unsealed: The Federal Complaint Against Casey Goonan,” Berkeley Scanner, July 11, 2024, https://www.berkeleyscanner.com/2024/07/11/uc-berkeley-crime/casey-goonan-uc-berkeley-firebomb-arson-federal-complaint/.

[33] Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) (@cuapartheiddivest), “United by the righteous cause of Palestinian liberation, no university discipline or legal threat can divide the student intifada.,” Instagram, July 11, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9SY9fyu3oh/?img_index=5.

[34] Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) (@cuapartheiddivest), “From the people of Hind’s Hall, a statement in solidarity with the student movement in Bangladesh.,” Instagram, August 7, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C-YI9S7Oad8/?img_index=1.

[35] InfluenceWatch, “Common Counsel Foundation,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/common-counsel-foundation/.

[36] InfluenceWatch, “Movement for Black Lives,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/movement-for-black-lives/.

[37] Dream Defenders, “The Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit,” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYcgfszZIkWTK2jn8L1uRq8FQZH0g1_N/view.

[38] InfluenceWatch, “Ruckus Society,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/ruckus-society/.

[39] InfluenceWatch, “Community Movement Builders,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/community-movement-builders-cmb/.

[40] Community Movement Builders, “Pan-African Solidarity Network,” https://communitymovementbuilders.org/pan-african-solidarity-network/.

[41] Community Movement Builders, “Black Panther Party Veterans Mutual Aid Fund,” https://communitymovementbuilders.org/black-panther-party-veterans/.

[42] InfluenceWatch, “The Black Panther Party,” https://www.influencewatch.org/political-party/the-black-panther-party/.

[43] Santi Elijah Holley, “The Black Panther Party Has Never Been More Popular. But Actual Black Panthers Have Been Forgotten.,” New Republic, April 22, 2021, https://newrepublic.com/article/162144/black-panther-party-never-popular-actual-black-panthers-forgotten.

[44] Ryan Mauro, “Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A.,” Front Page Magazine, November 2, 2009, https://www.frontpagemag.com/jihadi-training-compounds-usa-ryan-mauro-ryan-mauro/.

[45] InfluenceWatch, “Jericho Movement,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jericho-movement/.

[46] The Jericho Movement, “Welcome Home, Jalil Muntaqim!,” October 8, 2020, https://www.thejerichomovement.com/news/welcome-home-jalil-muntaqim.

[47] The Jericho Movement, “Ashanti Alston,” https://www.thejerichomovement.com/profile/ashanti-alston.

[48] The Jericho Movement, “Jericho Manual Part 1,” https://www.thejerichomovement.com/sites/default/files/resource_file/jericho-manuel-part1.pdf.

[49] The Jericho Movement, “Partners,” https://www.thejerichomovement.com/partners.

[50] InfluenceWatch, “Black Alliance for Peace,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/black-alliance-for-peace/.

[51] Cornell Collective for Justice in Palestine – CCJP, Facebook, September 27, 2022, https://www.facebook .com/photo.php?fbid=203536738693858&set=pb.100071125996329.-2207520000&type=3.

[52] InfluenceWatch, “Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/council-on-american-islamic-relations-cair/.

[53] MEMRI, “CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad At American Muslims For Palestine (AMP) Convention: I Was Happy To See The People Of Gaza Break The Siege On October 7; They Were Victorious; The People Of Gaza Have The Right To Self-Defense – Israel Does Not,” December 7, 2023, https://www.memri.org/reports/cair-executive-director-nihad-awad-american-muslims-palestine-amp-convention-i-was-happy-see.

[54] Investigative Project, “Plaintiff-Appellee, v. SABRl BENKAHLA,” https://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/542.pdf.

[55] CrimethInc, “The Siege of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis,” https://crimethinc.com/zines/siege-of-the-3rd-precinct.

[56] CrimethInc, “Lessons on Taking the School,” https://cdn.crimethinc.com/assets/articles/2024/04/23/lessons-on-taking-the-school_print_black_and_white.pdf.

[57] CrimethInc, “Strategizing for Palestinian Solidarity: Expanding the Toolkit,” November 3, 2023, https://crimethinc.com/2023/11/03/strategizing-for-palestinian-solidarity-expanding-the-toolkit-from-demands-to-direct-action-1.

[58] CUNY for Palestine, “CUNY stands with Palestine Liberation,” https://docs.google.com/document/d/16E19Q_I6nA6SlptX1cRQ6JiSHd_WgpaNiGeLK2FoCeQ/edit.

[59] CUNY for Palestine, “Signers: CUNY Stands with Palestine Liberation,” September 13, 2024, https://docs.google.com/document/d/18DtoY6273q3snFFjHbnV57fQBhlXG4DmBlADf9_1Be8/edit.

[60] CUNY for Palestine, https://cryptpad.fr/pad/ [dead link]. See also Patrick McDonald, “‘BRUTALIZE,’ ‘ESCALATE’: CUNY anti-Israel group threatens violence against NYC and police officers,” Campus Reform, August 1, 2024, https://www.campusreform.org/article/brutalize-escalate-cuny-anti-israel-group-threatens-violence-nyc-police-officers/26020.

[61] Mike Kelly, “An American Terrorist Linked to Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, Dies in Cuba,” NorthJersey.com, February 16, 2019, https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/columnists/mike-kelly/2019/02/16/joanne-chesimard-assata-shakur-american-terrorist-dies-cuba/2884008002/.

[62] R.J. Rico, “61 Indicted in Georgia on Racketeering Charges Connected to ‘Stop Cop City’ Movement.” Associated Press, September 5, 2023, https://apnews.com/article/atlanta-cop-city-protests-rico-charges-3177a63ac1bd31a1594bed6584e9f330.

[63] Cara Tabachnick, “What We Know About Atlanta’s ‘Cop City’ and the Standoff Between Police and Protesters,” CBS News, March 6, 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-protests-cop-city-georgia-state-of-emergency-forest-defenders/.

[64] Dear Asian Youth (@dearasianyouth), “Dear Asian Youth reaffirms its unequivocal support for Palestine and those affected by recent events in Gaza.,” Instagram, October 16, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyePrs_SfiC/.

[65] Dear Asian Youth (@dearasianyouth), “Palestinians died, Israelis killed.,” Instagram, October 19, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/Cyl5FuXRLzO/?img_index=1.

[66] Rawan Masri, “‘Operation Al Aqsa Flood’ Was an Act of Decolonization,” Mondoweiss, October 13, 2023, https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/operation-al-aqsa-flood-was-an-act-of-decolonization/#:~:text=Decolonizing%20movements%20decimate%20the%20physical,will%20reach%20this%20world%20too.

[67] Andy Ngo, “Don’t Buy the Left’s Gaslighting — ‘Outside Agitators’ Aren’t Behind Campus Antisemitism,” New York Post, April 25, 2024, https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/opinion/dont-buy-the-lefts-gaslighting-outside-agitators-arent-behind-campus-antisemitism/.

[68] Verso Books, “An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defense Force Made a Nation,” https://www.versobooks.com/products/950-an-army-like-no-other.

[69] Dr. Hayim Iserovich, “In the Streets and Social Networks: The Organizations That Support Hamas and Lead the Anti-Israel Demonstrations in the United States,” Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/in-the-streets-and-social-networks-the-organizations-that-support-hamas-and-lead-the-anti-israel-demonstrations-in-the-united-states/.

[70] Cara Tabachnick, “What We Know About Atlanta’s ‘Cop City’ and the Standoff Between Police and Protesters,” CBS News, March 6, 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-protests-cop-city-georgia-state-of-emergency-forest-defenders/.

[71] InfluenceWatch, “Democratic Socialists of America,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/democratic-socialists-of-america/.

[72] Democratic Socialists of America, “End the Violence, End the Occupation, Free Palestine,” October 7, 2023, https://www.dsausa.org/statements/end-the-violence-end-the-occupation-free-palestine/.

[73] Isaac Ortega, “Union Solidarity with Gaza Under Attack,” Democratic Socialists of America, April 19, 2024, https://www.dsausa.org/democratic-left/union-solidarity-with-gaza-under-attack/.

[74] Democratic Socialists of America’s International Committee, “DSA IC Affirms Iran’s Right to Self-Defense,” April 23, 2024, https://international.dsausa.org/statements/dsa-affirms-irans-right-to-self-defense/.

[75] Diaspora Pa’lante Collective, “About Us,” https://diasporapalantecollective.org/about-us/.

[76] Diaspora Pa’lante Collective (@diasporapalantecollective), “Protest, join an organization fighting for Palestine, donate, combat misinformation, talk to your friends and family about what’s happening,” Instagram, October 10, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CyOP-DULE9z/?img_index=2.

[77] Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, “250+ organizations endorse international petition in solidarity with Yemen confronting aggression and siege,” June 6, 2024, https://samidoun.net/2024/06/250-organizations-endorse-international-petition-in-solidarity-with-yemen-confronting-aggression-and-siege/.

[78] Diaspora Pa’lante Collective (@diasporapalantecollective), “(Edit: We did not mention that both Puerto Rico and Palestine we’re not able to fly our flags under a gag law -,” Instagram, November 11, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CzhyEKTL9Cx/?img_index=1.

[79] Diaspora Pa’lante Collective (@diasporapalantecollective), “Today marks 71 years since July 26, 1953 when comandante Fidel Castro led an attack on the Moncada Barracks against the Batista regime in Cuba.,” Instagram, July 26, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C94q61tuFjM/.

[80] Deadly Story, “Turtle Island,” https://deadlystory.com/page/culture/articles/World_s_Indigenous_Peoples_Day/Turtle_Island.

[81] InfluenceWatch, “Dream Defenders, Movement for Black Lives,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/dream-defenders/.

[82] InfluenceWatch, “BlackOUT Collective,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/blackout-collective/.

[83] InfluenceWatch, “Black for Palestine,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/black-for-palestine/.

[84] Dream Defenders, “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit,” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYcgfszZIkWTK2jn8L1uRq8FQZH0g1_N/view.

[85] DMV DISSENTERS (@dmvdissenters), “AAPIMENASA Activists + Artists create the THE PEOPLE’S MEMORIAL in solidarity with the 40,000+ Palestinians lost since October,” Instagram, May 27, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C7fGtUaxW-j/?img_index=1.

[86] Dissenters, “National Student Day of Action for Divestment,” archived at https://capitalresearch.org/app/uploads/PUBLIC-2_8-Divestment-Day-of-Action-SJP-Dissenters-PYM.pdf.

[87] Deadly Story, “Turtle Island,” https://deadlystory.com/page/culture/articles/World_s_Indigenous_Peoples_Day/Turtle_Island.

[88] Mutant Legal, “The Dissident’s Survival Guide,” April 9, 2015, https://mutantlegal.info/?p=224&fbclid=IwAR0YZ060MU-Q8v_xMYMtbDM752_SCSWQB-aziuhreUm-2GEfz3A-TtXa_h4.

[89] The Ruckus Society, “Security Culture for Activists,” https://ruckus.org/training-manuals/security-tips-resources/.

[90] Divest in Militarism, Invest in Life, “Week of Action Toolkit,” https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lGv8CzPEuWEvYG_j8Gmf3-se0p9uCo3kwa6v3wtUNbs/edit.

[91] Dissenters, “Organizing a Direct Action at Weapons Manufacturing Sites,” https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ryriy6Me4A7I56uu1AaOlamOC0UiTo7myO8ErwuAMI/edit.

[92]  “Gene Sharp List,” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elTgKZR_PrKc7lBhA-LwIOigTHrYVbOy/view.

[93] Shut It Down! For Palestine, website, https://www.shutitdown4palestine.org/.

[94] Chicago Dissenters (@chicagodissenters), “It’s tax season‼️ Did you know that every year, nearly half of American tax dollars go towards funding the U.S. military?,” Instagram, March 14, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C4gth31PFie/?img_index=1.

[95] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “On July 4, 1776, a white nationalist state was born.,” Instagram, July 4, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9AVlosgJFQ/?img_index=1.

[96] Healthcare Workers for Palestine • NYC (@hcw4pnyc), “EMERGENCY ACTION: FLOOD JULY 4TH FOR PALESTINE AND AGAINST EMPIRE!,” Instagram, July 2, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C87PrMQuQQb/?img_index=1.

[97] InfluenceWatch, “Dream Defenders,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/dream-defenders/.

[98] Dream Defenders, “Ideology,” https://www.dreamdefenders.org/ideology.

[99] Tides, “The Dream Defenders Education Fund,” https://www.tides.org/partner/the-dream-defenders-education-fund/#:~:text=Dream%20Defenders%20are%20building%20a,believe%20in%20People%20over%20profits.

[100] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “On July 4, 1776, a white nationalist state was born.,” Instagram, July 4, 2024, https://www.instagram .com/p/C9AVlosgJFQ/?img_index=1.

[101] Dream Defenders, “Black and Palestinian Solidarity Organizing Toolkit,” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KYcgfszZIkWTK2jn8L1uRq8FQZH0g1_N/view.

[102] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “We stand in solidarity with the Iranian and Iraqi people and their right to live in peace!,” Instagram, January 5, 2020, https://www.instagram .com/p/B68n6wRFmmQ/.

[103] Medium, “No War on Iran,” January 5, 2020, https://medium.com/@dreamdefenders/no-war-on-iran-b05bf73350c4.

[104] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Repost @ajplus, featuring Dream Defenders organizer Reverend @nylefort,” Instagram, October 23, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CywscDAr1qM/.

[105] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” Instagram, March 3, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCf6725v8x5/.

[106] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” Instagram, March 3, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCf680Sv8x9/.

[107] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” Instagram, March 3, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCgTMSKP8x0/.

[108] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” Instagram, March 3, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCgTOTWP8x8/.

[109] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” Instagram, March 3, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCgTQIiv8yB/.

[110] #TeamEBONY, “Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine,” Ebony, January 9, 2015, https://www.ebony.com/dream-defenders-black-lives-matter-ferguson-reps-take-historic-trip-to-palestine/#axzz4IKr3xWqn.

[111] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet who was thrown in prison for 3 years for posting a poem on facebook,” Instagram, September 23, 2019, https://www.instagram .com/p/B2xHQPbFTos/?img_index=1.

[112] The Times of Israel, “Arab Israeli poet convicted of incitement to violence,” May 3, 2018, https://www.timesofisrael.com/arab-israeli-poet-convicted-of-incitement-to-violence/.

[113] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Here in Palestine we sat down with Omar Barghouti, one of the founders of the BDS Movement.,” Instagram, August 24, 2019, https://www.instagram .com/p/B1jTSWYFicp/.

[114] Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee, “Urgent Action Alert for Meaningful Support Palestinian Armed Resistance,” https://web.archive.org/web/20231008200612/https:/bdsmovement.net/news/urgent-action-alert-for-meaningful-support-palestinian-armed-resistance [URL removed by WayBackMachine], archived at https://capitalresearch.org/app/uploads/BDS-Movement-Deleted-Statement-Endorsing-Hamas-Oct-7-1.pdf. See also Naftali Balanson, “NGOs Lend Ideological Support to Pogrom in Southern Israel,” Jewish News Syndicate, October 10, 2023, https://www.jns.org/ngos-lend-ideological-support-to-pogrom-in-southern-israel/.

[115] Palestinian BDS National Committee, “URGENT ACTION ALERT for Meaningful Support for Palestinians,” October 8, 2023, https://bdsmovement.net/news/urgent-action-alert-for-meaningful-support-for-palestinians.

[116] Palestinian BDS National Committee, “Palestinian Popular Resistance,” https://bdsmovement.net/colonialism-and-apartheid/palestinian-popular-resistance.

[117] InfluenceWatch, “Addameer Prison Support and Human Rights Association,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/addameer-prison-support-and-human-rights-association/.

[118] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “One of the first organizations we met with here in Palestine was ‪Addameer,” Instagram, August 19, 2019, https://www.instagram .com/p/B1W2oHxlnsn/?img_index=1.

[119] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Israel’s regime is one of occupation, settler colonialism, and apartheid.,” Instagram, September 17, 2019, https://www.instagram .com/p/B2hgXCAl4de/?img_index=1.

[120] NGO Monitor, “Badil,” https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/badil/.

[121] Ron Kampeas, “In linking Black Lives Matter with Palestinian Cause, Miami Lawmaker Riles Pro-Israel Activists,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 17, 2016, https://www.jta.org/2016/08/17/politics/in-linking-black-lives-matter-with-palestinian-cause-miami-lawmaker-riles-pro-israel-activists.

[122] Budour Youssef Hassan, “African-Palestinian community’s deep roots in liberation struggle,” Electronic Intifada, July 10, 2015, https://electronicintifada.net/content/african-palestinian-communitys-deep-roots-liberation-struggle/14682.

[123] Beyond Compromise, “Profile: Afro-Palestinian Activist Ali Jiddah,” October 2, 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20160304100543/https:/beyondcompromise.com/2012/10/02/profile-afro-palestinian-activist-ali-jiddah/.

[124] Canary Mission, “Ahmad Abuznaid,” https://canarymission.org/individual/Ahmad_Abuznaid.

[125] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “In March, we highlighted the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in our Blacked Out History Rebellion.,” Instagram, May 17, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BFhu4x8v8z2/.

[126] Canary Mission, “Ahmad Abuznaid,” https://canarymission.org/individual/Ahmad_Abuznaid.

[127] Flicker, “Dream Defenders,” https://www.flickr.com/photos/144260555@N07/27775600506/in/album-72157670046489345/.

[128] InfluenceWatch, “Black Lives Matter,” https://www.influencewatch.org/movement/black-lives-matter/.

[129] InfluenceWatch, “Hands Up United,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/hands-up-united/.

[130] InfluenceWatch, “Justice League NYC,” https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/justice-league-nyc-jlnyc/.

[131] Gary Willig, “CNN Fires Pundit Who Called for Elimination of Israel,” Israel National News, November 29, 2018, https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/255488.

[132] Gary Willig, “Marc Lamont Hill: Hamas Shouldn’t Be Treated as Terrorists,” Israel National News, November 2, 2023, https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/379628.

[133] Dream Defenders, “DD Palestine Fellowship,” https://www.scribd.com/document/375126083/DD-Palestine-Fellowship.

[134] Canary Mission, “Ahmad Abuznaid,” https://canarymission.org/individual/Ahmad_Abuznaid.

[135] Ahmad Abuznaid (@A7madAbuznaid), “Leila Khaled is a freedom fighter and she taught us how to fight.,” X, May 18, 2016, 8:07 AM, https://x.com/A7madAbuznaid/status/732905326362677249.

[136] Canary Mission, “Ahmad Abuznaid,” https://canarymission.org/individual/Ahmad_Abuznaid#lg=1&slide=4.

[137] Canary Mission, “Ahmad Abuznaid,” https://canarymission.org/individual/Ahmad_Abuznaid.

[138] Beyond Compromise, “Profile: Afro-Palestinian Activist Ali Jiddah,” October 2, 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20160304100543/https:/beyondcompromise.com/2012/10/02/profile-afro-palestinian-activist-ali-jiddah/.

[139] Ron Kampeas, “In linking Black Lives Matter with Palestinian Cause, Miami Lawmaker Riles Pro-Israel Activists,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 17, 2016,  https://www.jta.org/2016/08/17/politics/in-linking-black-lives-matter-with-palestinian-cause-miami-lawmaker-riles-pro-israel-activists.

[140] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “#BLM954 | @browardddod,” Instagram, July 10, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BHre97Jjp8k/.

[141] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Tyre was a young man with so much love in his life.,” Instagram, February 16, 2023, https://www.instagram .com/p/CovIp6BPJEr/.

[142] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “We want to invite you to join us in Miami, FL for America’s Most (Un)Wanted Fight Back: Ending Criminalization and the Prison Industrial Complex.,” Instagram, December 7, 2015, https://www.instagram .com/p/-_9wcJP8yx/.

[143] InfluenceWatch, “Black Panther Party,” https://www.influencewatch.org/political-party/the-black-panther-party/.

[144] InfluenceWatch, “Angela Davis,” https://www.influencewatch.org/person/angela-davis/.

[145] FemBio, “Angela Davis,” https://www.fembio.org/english/biography.php/woman/biography/angela-davis/.

[146] “Witness Recalls Van in Davis Case,” New York Times, January 16, 1971, https://www.nytimes.com/1971/01/16/archives/witness-recalls-van-in-davis-case-gas-attendant-tentatively.html.

[147] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “It’s Black August. On August 21,1971, George Jackson was assassinated by guards at San Quentin Prison during a prison rebellion.,” Instagram, August 2, 2022,  https://www.instagram .com/p/CgxW87OvT9V/.

[148] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “’Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here,’” Instagram, October 20, 2020,  https://www.instagram .com/p/CGkkOjSFzTK/.

[149] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Artwork by @mama____lucha. This #BlackedOutHistory is dedicated to the revolutionary Assata Shakur.,” Instagram, February 22, 2021, https://www.instagram .com/p/CLnr7-znN9S/.

[150] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “The Zapatistas,” https://www.instagram .com/p/BBtCbZGP88t/.

[151] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Yuri Kochiyama is a prominent Japanese American human rights activists and a huge proponent of Afro-Asian solidarity and solidarity amongst movements.,” Instagram, February 16, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BB3jejwP8-Z/.

[152] Timothy Nerozzi, “White House Celebrates Maoist Yuri Kochiyama Who Cheered Bin Laden, Communist Massacre in Peru,” Fox News, March 25, 2022, https://www.foxnews.com/us/white-house-celebrates-maoist-yuri-kochiyama-praised-bin-laden-communist-massacre-peru.

[153] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Young Lords [YLP],” Instagram, February 28, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCVhn_OP8zQ/.

[154] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “The Sandinistas,” Instagram, March 2, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCdeRHFv8_e/.

[155] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “The Sandinistas,” Instagram, March 2, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCdea3_v8_7/.

[156] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “The Sandinistas,” Instagram, March 2, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCdeRHFv8_e/.

[157] InfluenceWatch, “LeftRoots,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/leftroots/.

[158] LeftRoots, “Purpose,” https://dusk.leftroots.net/purpose.html.

[159] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “LeftRoots [LeftRoots.net],” Instagram, February 29, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCYH69Pv8yK/.

[160] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “LeftRoots [LeftRoots.net],” Instagram, February 29, 2016, https://www.instagram .com/p/BCYH9Zbv8yS/.

[161] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “Artwork by @missmebritney. (Read below for music detail). ‘Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form,’” Instagram, February 26, 2021, https://www.instagram .com/p/CLwmcXZFMgE/.

[162] Dream Defenders (@thedreamdefenders), “#Repost @byp100 Black Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim has been incarcerated since 1971, when he was 19 years old,” Instagram, October 31, 2020, https://www.instagram .com/p/CHAsH4EFvjb/.

[163] Dream Defenders, “Donate to Dream Defenders,” https://www.dreamdefenders.org/donate.

[164] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “What we are seeing is not born of secretive plotting + paid professional agitation.,” X, May 4, 2024, 4:36 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1786857570805657603.

[165] Escalate Network, “About,” https://escalatenetwork.org/about.

[166] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “The Palestinian resistance has accepted a negotiated ceasefire deal and is now advocating peace.,” X, May 6, 2024, 1:19 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1787532527973941479.

[167] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “the NYT editorial board is going to hell and it is up to all free people to send them there,” X, May 26, 2024, 8:44 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1794892338642534430.

[168] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “yes, what we need is organized efforts capable of fomenting and sustaining an american intifada.,” X, May 27, 2024, 1:55 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1795151794277896324.

[169] Escalate Network, “Library,” https://escalatenetwork.org/library.

[170] CrimethInc, “A Step-by-Step Guide to Direct Action,” March 14, 2017, https://crimethinc.com/2017/03/14/direct-action-guide.

[171] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “The more the protests against the war on Gaza can borrow from the movement against Cop City, the better.,” X, May 7, 2024, 5:28 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1787957618625130807.

[172] Cara Tabachnick, “What We Know About Atlanta’s ‘Cop City’ and the Standoff Between Police and Protesters,” CBS News, March 6, 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-protests-cop-city-georgia-state-of-emergency-forest-defenders/.

[173] Escalate Network, “Library,” https://escalatenetwork.org/library.

[174] CrimethInc, “A Step-by-Step Guide to Direct Action,” March 14, 2017, https://crimethinc.com/2017/03/14/direct-action-guide.

[175] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “These are household items, people. These courageous activists are not super secret agents.,” X, May 28, 2024, 3:02 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1795531019455771039.

[176] InfluenceWatch, “Palestine Action,” https://www.influencewatch.org/organization/palestine-action/.

[177] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “Protestors at the UCLA anti-genocide protest camp held off a police raid for nearly 8 hours.,” X, May 2, 2024, 11:38 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1786238867453960638.

[178] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “What happened at Cal Poly Humboldt?,” X, May 1, 2024, 10:32 AM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1785678576290766983.

[179] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “‘amazing resistance against the cops today and i’m gald i helped start it… i’m sharing this to help everyone realize it literally takes ONE person.,’” X, May 1, 2024, 11:41 AM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1785695927002349749.

[180] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “Earlier today, anti-genocide protesters (students and non-students alike) pushed anti-riot police off campus by marching forward,” X, April 27, 2024, 5:01 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1784327062469161269.

[181] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “‘We would stay and fight. This from [those] who decided to disperse the day before.,’” X, May 13, 2024, 10:57 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1790214789349700006.

[182] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “This is why we must continuously DECENTER STUDENT VOICES. This is NOT a student movement.,” X, April 29, 2024, 10:48 AM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1784957912198058442.

[183] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “Any student org negotiating the eviction of an encampment for fake ‘steps towards divestment’ is betraying the Palestinian people.,” X, May 12, 2024, 4:33 PM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1789755750702522700.

[184] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “University of Wisconsin student bureaucrats agreed to evict the encampment on behalf of the admin in exchange for representation on committees,” X, May 18, 2024, 12:47 AM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1791691991249756171.

[185] Escalate Network (@readytoescalate), “There’s nothing more demoralizing than self-eviction and internal policing.,” X, May 18, 2024, 12:47 AM, https://x.com/readytoescalate/status/1791691995741929549.

Ryan Mauro

Ryan Mauro is an investigative researcher for Capital Research Center. He is also an adjunct professor at Regent University and the former director of…
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