Patients United Now Ad
Patients United Now, which is a project of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, is now running an effective TV ad opposing President Obama’s socialist healthcare scheme.
It features patient Shona Holmes of Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. As her brain tumor grew, Holmes was told by Canada’s dysfunctional government-run healthcare system that she would have to wait for six months to see a specialist. “In six months I would have died,” Holmes says in the spot. The Mayo Clinic where Holmes received successful treatment tells her story at its website. (Mayo also is fiercely critical of ObamaCare.)
Of course the liberal journalists at CNN who are cheering for ObamaCare attempted to discredit Holmes in a recent news package. They were unable to do so but did manage to find another patient who claims to have received speedy treatment following a cancer diagnosis. Nonetheless on average Canadians have to wait a long time before receiving medical treatment for serious ailments as Canada’s preeminent think tank, the Fraser Institute, has demonstrated time and time again. (See PDF file of the Fraser Institute’s “Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada,” 2008 Report, 18th edition.)
CNN also managed to pull Canadian Sen. Hugh Segal away from the all-you-can-eat buffet for a quote. Segal is what’s known in Canada as a “Red Tory.” In other words he may belong to the Conservative Party but he’s ideologically a liberal with very little in common with American conservatives. Not surprisingly, this soulmate of Lincoln Chafee defended Canada’s universal healthcare system. (By the way, the Canadian Senate is unelected. Its members are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the prime minister so it bears more than a passing resemblance to the British House of Lords.)
The well-practiced liar who would feel perfectly at home in America’s Democratic Party told CNN his “fellow conservatives” in the U.S. are dead wrong about Canada’s healthcare system. “What you have is a longer life span, better outcomes and about one-third less costs. That’s what you have,” said Segal as he resisted the urge to snarf down a dozen Timbits.
Here is the video featuring Holmes: