Townhall magazine has published my long article on ACORN in the August issue. The article is called, “Stealing Democracy,” and with permission from the magazine, we repost the article here.
President Obama’s new “green jobs” czar Van Jones, an avowed militant communist, had been on the board of the pressure group Apollo Alliance, which aspires to flatten the U.S. economy by…
An animal rights fanatic is on track to become President Obama’s regulatory “czar.” That individual is the radical legal theorist Cass Sunstein who has argued that: your money doesn’t really belong…
Liberal pressure groups are freaking out that President Obama’s monstrous government-run healthcare plan is running into significant roadblocks as even Democratic lawmakers begin to openly question its wisdom. And they’re…
Patients United Now, which is a project of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, is now running an effective TV ad opposing President Obama’s socialist healthcare scheme. It features patient Shona Holmes…
Another example of what’s gone wrong in California. California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, a former community organizer, told the Los Angeles Times that support for limited government is tantamount…
After Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) used a procedural trick in the U.S. Senate to torpedo a longshot legislative bid that would have had the Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit the Federal Reserve Board, Sen. Jim…
Upon being asked to comment on the extramarital adventures of South Carolina’s Republican governor Mark Sanford, tax fighter Grover Norquist was blunt: “I disagree with the idea that this…