I received another appeal from MoveOn.org yesterday. The latest says that in Tuesday’s election, Virginia could become the “Florida” of 2008. Tiresome. Here it is: My name is Lara. I’m…
Finally, the New York Times has published an article that calls George Soros’s character assassination machine, Media Matters for America, a “highly partisan research organization.” Apparently the New York Times…
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has become America's most prominent left-wing community group. Little-known until now, ACORN has played a major role in the subprime mortgage…
An Ohio woman who is allegedly a crack cocaine user, prostitute, and ACORN worker, was arrested on drug and prostitution charges. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good that ACORN took…
We got our hands on the legal complaint filed in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, by the dissident “ACORN 8.” This cluster of unhappy ACORNs is upset with fired ACORN founder Wade Rathke’s…
While researching an article for the American Spectator, I discovered a stunning bit of hypocrisy in ACORN’s past. Disgraced founder Wade Rathke, who was fired by ACORN’s board earlier this…