CNN reports that ACORN in Lake County, Indiana, filed 2,100 voter registrations and all 2,100 have been deemed fraudulent. Every single one. With a straight face, ACORN attorney Brian…
Progressive Future has been posting handbills in Washington, D.C. advertising “JOBS TO ELECT OBAMA.” We’d never heard of the left-wing group that also operates as Work for Progress so we did…’s latest action email sent to supporters contains some curious wording. It unveils the left-wing pressure group’s “Operation Landslide” campaign and urges members to make calls to swing state voters…
A complete version of the article from ACORN’s magazine that details the work that Barack Obama did for ACORN has surfaced. The article, “Case Study: Chicago-The Barack Obama Campaign,” which…
We were covering the massive waste of money known as the Annenberg Challenge long before anyone had heard of its Chicago chairman, Barack Obama, or its Chicago co-founder, real life…
Some readers have challenged our assertion that ACORN has been involved in tawdry scandals such as the case in which an ACORN operative traded crack cocaine for fraudulent voter…
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is demanding that all federal funding be cut off for ACORN, the vote fraud conglomerate. Excerpts from a report: “The latest allegations of…
Not suprisingly, liberal philanthropist and troublemaker George Soros has ties to ACORN too. His Open Society Institute gave a $25,000 grant to ACORN in 2001. Soros’s Democracy Alliance, a…
Be sure to check out the newest edition of State Environmental Watch’s Weekly Top 5. This week, we take a closer look at the Natural Resource Defense Council, B-List…
We’ve been wondering for a long time why vote manufacturer ACORN hasn’t been prosecuted or sued under America’s racketeering (RICO) laws. (Our most recent blog post touching on the topic…