
    Robin Hood Funds ACORN

    Now this is funny. A major donor to the far-left group ACORN and its affiliates is…(drumroll)…the Robin Hood Foundation. Bada bing! The foundation has given ACORN $821,000 consisting of…

    Spread the Wealth?

    The “spread the wealth” statement that Joe the Plumber (real name: Joe Wurzelbacher) extracted from Barack Obama isn’t likely to sit well with Americans who continue, despite the best efforts…

    ACORN’s Vote Fraud Frenzy

    ACORN’s vote fraud frenzy continues unabated. Highlights from the latest news: The FBI is investigating ACORN for massive vote fraud. ACORN is apparently now under investigation in 11…

    God Wins Lawsuit on Technicality

    A lawsuit filed against the Almighty by former Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers has been dismissed. The presiding judge ruled that a plaintiff must have access to the defendant in order…

    A History Lesson: Voter Turnout or Voter Fraud?

    For those out in Internet land who would like a quick recent history of activist groups’ involvement in shady voter registration and turnout schemes, check out Capital Research Center’s April 2006 Organization Trends.  In that issue…