ACORN’s Vote Fraud Frenzy
ACORN’s vote fraud frenzy continues unabated.
Highlights from the latest news:
The FBI is investigating ACORN for massive vote fraud.
ACORN is apparently now under investigation in 11 states, all of which are battleground states.
ACORN fraudster-in-chief Maude Hurd is vewy vewy angwy that her merry band of ballot box stuffers has been accused of electoral fraud.
John McCain talked about ACORN in last night’s final presidential debate and argued Barack Obama has close ties to the group. McCain has a TV ad with his ACORN-Obama talking points. The Obama campaign says their guy doesn’t have ties to ACORN. Obama campaign manager David Plouffe says efforts to link Obama to ACORN are a “smokescreen.” Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend repeats the “smokescreen” mantra.
The Obama campaign modified their guy’s online resume and acknowledged the candidate did work for ACORN. Perhaps our blog post attacking the shoddy ACORN-Obama reporting of the Huffington Post and other blog posts like it had something to do with this sudden change. (Incidentally, the HuffPost has not responded to our above-linked post.)
The lefties at Pew say all this ACORN vote fraud stuff is overblown. The AFL-CIO, itself no stranger to the world of crime, concurs. Also concurring is the liberal People for the American Way which promised to buy a full-page ad in The New York Times “charging the right wing with misleading the public in the ACORN voter registration controversy” and whining about a media frenzy about ACORN that has reached a “fever pitch.” Move along; nothing to see here.
Ohio secretary of state Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat who has been accused of having ties to ACORN, doesn’t want to go through the hassle of verifying voters’ identities, so she’s asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the case after a federal court ordered her to get busy verifying.
That’s enough for now. We have other work to do.
To stay on top of the latest in ACORN vote fraud news, read Michelle Malkin‘s blog.