
InfluenceWatch Podcast #138: The 2020 “Dark Money” Influencer They Won’t Tell You About

In this week’s episode, we rotate hosting duties as Capital Research Center Director of Communications and External Relations Sarah Lee hosts and CRC Research Director (and regular host) Michael Watson sits down to discuss the issues of the day, including CRC’s latest report on 2020 “dark money” influencer Arabella Advisors, the coming confirmation battle for the open seat on the Supreme Court, and a faction of conservative thinkers making a most imprudent outreach effort to Big Labor.

Listen to “Episode 138: The 2020 Dark Money Influencer They Won’t Tell You About” on Spreaker.

  • Capital Research Center: Arabella Advisors’ $600 Million Shadow over the Election
  • Fox News: Left-wing dark money groups to ‘carpet-bomb’ 2020 election, report warns
  • InfluenceWatch: Arabella Advisors
  • Fox News: Who are the left-wing groups protesting outside the homes of GOP lawmakers?
  • InfluenceWatch: Demand Justice
  • USA Today: Why conservatives should embrace labor unions to reduce economic inequality
  • Public Discourse: Conservatives Should Embrace Labor Unions
  • Capital Research Center: Labor Conservatives’ Underpants Gnomes
  • Capital Research Center: A Fatally Flawed Strategy
  • Tags:  podcast

    Sarah Lee

    Sarah Lee was born and raised in Atlanta, Ga., but found herself drawn to Washington, DC, the birthplace of her mother, after completing a master’s degree in public administration from…
    + More by Sarah Lee

    Michael Watson

    Michael is Research Director for Capital Research Center and serves as the managing editor for InfluenceWatch. A graduate of the College of William and Mary, he previously worked for a…
    + More by Michael Watson

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