SUMMARY: “Progressives,” including those in the labor movement in the U.S., are rapidly aligning themselves with Islamic political radicalism. Within unions that are historically pro-Israel, support is growing for the…
Despite official denials from Her Majesty’s Government, the son of Libya’s strongman says the British government cut a deal with his country to release a despicable terrorist in order to promote…
The disgusting welcome of the Lockerbie bomber to Libya is a reminder of the immorality of international politics. Here is a photo of Saif al Islam Gaddafi, the son…
The left-wing bloggers of Netroots Nation are losing interest in opposing the war now that their man is in the White House, reports Byron York of the Washington Examiner.
The left-wing character assassins at Media Matters for America highlight a brief July 13 segment from Glenn Beck’s radio show in an effort to make Beck look ridiculous. Beck…
My article about how the left is arguing that several recent shootings are proof that those who oppose their big-government objectives are hate mongers appears in Human Events.
Robert McNamara, the wunderkind who fascinated President John F. Kennedy with his intellectual gymnastics while serving as his secretary of defense, has died at the age of 93. McNamara,…
All those who value America’s liberties should solemnly observe that on this day 56 years ago the Communist traitors Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed. It is unclear how…
A chill wind blows. In light of the horrific murder of a security guard by an alleged extremist at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, liberal pontificator Paul Krugman of the New York…