Last year, we noted that the well-publicized march back to relevance of union organizing was not supported by the facts on union membership when the federal government released them in…
In 1947, organized labor reaped the whirlwind from the massive disruptions it inflicted on the American economy in 1945–46. The Labor Management Relations Act, better known as the “Taft-Hartley Act”…
In the October/November 2023 issue of Capital Research, the Hewlett Foundation is ironically funding a campaign against free-market capitalism. The Biden administration spends $1.2 billion researching transgender issues. The Taft-Hartley…
The period of organized labor’s ascendancy and consolidation after the Great Depression began to slow on November 5, 1946. Big Labor faced increasing headwinds as the Depression era retreated and…
As the 20th century hit its midpoint, organized labor was both near its absolute height and riven by the issues that would start its long decline. At the forefront was…
Moderate Republicans seeking to appeal to organized labor despite the faction’s nearly nine-decade-long clear loyalty to the Democrats are as old as labor’s partisan divide. Modern moderates have focused on…
By 1959, the McClellan Committee investigations and public hearings had exposed enough misbehavior by labor union officials (most of which was in the Teamsters Union) that a bipartisan consensus had…
In 1947, organized labor reaped the whirlwind from the massive disruptions it inflicted on the American economy in 1945–46. Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-OH) shepherded passage of the Labor Management…
Taft-Hartley accepted as fait accompli the Wagner Act’s framework of compulsory, monopoly-union bargaining. It also accepted as fait accompli numerous restrictions on employers’ conduct related to employee organization, including restrictions…
Every conservative dragooned by circumstance into a unionized workplace is compelled to make a Hobson’s choice: Either concede any voice in the workplace by resigning from the union, or pay…