CBS News, the TV network of disgraced former anchor Dan Rather, doesn’t even pretend anymore to not be siding with Big Government instead of backing the right of patients to…
Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) says that majority Democrats in the House are clamping down on Republican lawmakers’ freedom to communicate with constituents in their home districts, according to a video…
Ah, humane socialist healthcare. Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is cutting off painkilling drugs for some chronic back pain sufferers in order to reduce costs, the Telegraph (UK) reports.
It’s kind of fun watching the paid professional liars at Media Matters for America spin their wheels trying to defend the Democrats’ indefensible healthcare proposals.
Yet more proof emerges that the so-called public option in the Democrats’ healthcare legislation is designed to clear the way for the U.S. government to impose total monopoly control of…
Liberal pressure groups are freaking out that President Obama’s monstrous government-run healthcare plan is running into significant roadblocks as even Democratic lawmakers begin to openly question its wisdom. And they’re…
Sometimes denunciation by evil men is proof you’re doing the right thing. Media Matters for America denounced me again, this time for a perfectly valid critique of ObamaCare. This…
Patients United Now, which is a project of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, is now running an effective TV ad opposing President Obama’s socialist healthcare scheme. It features patient Shona Holmes…
Peter Singer, an animal rights fanatic and longtime advocate of murdering newborn babies, has an op-ed in the New York Times called “Why We Must Ration Health Care.” His…