A variation on Simon and Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson” by The Mike Church Show Band offers apt commentary on America’s current political situation: (Hat tip: Doug Bandow of AmSpecBlog who got…
At long last Ayn Rand’s opus, Atlas Shrugged, may be turned into a movie, according to riskybusinessblog: Hollywood could soon be going Objectivist. After decades in development hell,…
Rick Santelli gave Arianna Huffington a primer in how markets work, or are supposed to be allowed to work, on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” earlier today: This is what the Romans called simplex…
More Mussolini-style corporatism from lawmakers. The House Financial Services Committee, chaired by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts), has approved legislation handing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extensive control over salaries of employees…
Neel Kashkari, the holdover from the Bush administration who is running the Wall Street bailout program (TARP), is unable to be effective in his job because it’s known that…
The Federal Reserve Board refuses to disclose which financial institutions have received bailouts, Bloomberg reports: The Fed refused yesterday to disclose the names of the borrowers and the loans,…
The market has given a resounding thumbs-down to Citigroup’s capitulation to socialist policies. Or maybe capitulation is the wrong word since these unprincipled bankers actually seem to believe that…
Robert Stacy McCain of The Other McCain has a good roundup of the tea party movement that is sweeping the country. Whether it will turn back the socialist hordes remains…
A proposal by local politicians in Houston, Texas, to pay off the credit card bills of first-time homebuyers has been withdrawn, the Houston Chronicle reports: […]…
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, visiting China, reportedly asked the Chinese to keep buying U.S. Treasurys: In Beijing, she called on authorities in Beijing to continue buying US Treasuries,…