It’s that time of year when the Roman Catholic church in the United States conducts its Thanksgiving collection to help the poor. Unfortunately, the money collected doesn’t go to help…
Thanksgiving is approaching and that means that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) will be trying once again to con well-intentioned parishioners out of their hard earned money. The radical…
Even after the million-dollar ACORN embezzlement scandal in 2008 forced the radical leftist group, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, to stop funding ACORN, CCHD keeps on funding radical…
Anthony Stevens-Arroyo has an item at in which he bends over backwards to exonerate the radical left-wingers who run the execrable Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Stevens-Arroyo…
I’ll be on the “G. Gordon Liddy Show” today at 12:45 Eastern to talk about how the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is conning conservatives. CCHD is the…
I have an op-ed in today’s Washington Times. It begins: Growing up, I always thought Jesus’ admonition in the Book of Matthew, “The poor you will always have with…
Ralph McCloud, director of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) * * * * * Earlier today Ralph McCloud, director of the Catholic Campaign…
The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the radical left-wing Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) defiantly lashed out at critics earlier today. (audio file here) “This year some of…
New Zeal blogger Trevor Loudon and I appeared on the “G. Gordon Liddy Show” on Oct. 26, 2009 to discuss the left in America. Loudon discussed Communist infiltration of…
Human Events has posted my article, “Left-Wing Radicalism in the Church: CCHD and ACORN.” The piece, which is based on the September Foundation Watch, begins: It must have…