CCHD Bishop Blasts Critics
The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the radical left-wing Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) defiantly lashed out at critics earlier today. (audio file here)
“This year some of the allegations and the claims [about CCHD] have simply been outrageous,” said Biloxi, Miss., Bishop Roger P. Morin. Morin chairs the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) subcommittee on CCHD.
Since its creation in 1969 –the year before ACORN was founded— CCHD says it has given more than $290 million to fund what it calls over 8,000 “low-income-led, community-based projects that strengthen families, create jobs, build affordable housing, fight crime, and improve schools and neighborhoods.” Some observers say the grand total is closer to $450 million.
The charitable arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, CCHD has never provided direct relief to the poor. That’s not its purpose.
CCHD is an extreme left-wing political organization that was created to feed and foster radical groups, but most Catholics are blissfully unaware of its true mission. CCHD says right on its website that it aims to support “organized groups of white and minority poor to develop economic strength and political power.”
The speech came days before this Sunday’s “second collection” from parishioners that funds CCHD. Prominent conservative Catholics including Richard Viguerie are urging Catholics to boycott the collection that traditionally takes place every year on the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Morin made the speech at the USCCB’s Fall General Assembly in Baltimore.
From the bishop’s speech:
Some others it seems to me may not understand or accept the church’s social teachings on justice, having a priority for the poor, or being focused on the root causes of poverty and eradicating them or highlighting a need for institutional change. There are a few who have their own ideological or political agendas. They repeat and spread outrageous claims.
We do not ever grant funds to any group that is specifically involved in any activity contrary to church teaching. No group that acts against the Catholic social or moral teachings is eligible for CCHD funding and if and when such problems are discovered, and as soon as they are reported, all funding is cut off.
As you recall CCHD was the first national organization to cut off all funding to ACORN when the national problems of fiscal accountability, organizational direction, and political partisanship became apparent. Long before the federal government and other groups severed relationships with them we were the first and this will be the third consecutive year of CCHD collections where no ACORN group at any level is even considered for CCHD funding for any purposes. If any CCHD-funded group violates the conditions of a grant and acts in conflict with Catholic teaching the funding is terminated in consultation with the local dioceses.