Later today ACORN whistleblower Marcel Reid debates Bertha Lewis, the former squatter who presided over the collapse of the corrupt community organizing outfit ACORN in 2010. The one-hour matchup takes…
I have an article in American Spectator online today. Here is the top of it: The Obama administration is stonewalling efforts on two fronts to investigate the still-operating ACORN…
Here’s the top of my piece in today’s Daily Caller: ACORN chief organizer Bertha Lewis praised socialism and said the Tea Party was a “bowel movement” filled with racists…
The organized crime syndicate known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which has been making much ado about its feigned withdrawal from the national political stage,…
Unlike leftist shills John Atlas, Peter Dreier, and the pathologically truth-averse Brad Friedman (BradBlog), City Hall continues to provide cutting-edge coverage of the transformation of ACORN, the left’s favorite organized…
Yes, you read that right. Even with all its troubles, the ACORN organized crime syndicate is eligible for $4 billion (well, really $3.99 billion in CDBG slush…
Esquire writer John H. Richardson is a smart man and a good writer but he clearly doesn’t know much about the organized crime syndicate ACORN. His interview with Bertha…
I have an article in today’s American Spectator about ACORN’s racketeering and money laundering activities. Here’s the top of it: Is ACORN engaged in a massive money laundering scheme?…
New York State’s highest court has cleared the way for an ambitious $5 billion taxpayer-funded development to be built in Brooklyn. On his TV show Monday Glenn Beck pointed out…
Citigroup executive Eric Eve (pictured below) has resigned from ACORN’s phony, allegedly independent panel, a move that removes one of the few people on the panel who could even remotely…