
    A Victory for Global Warming Alarmism

    New York’s uber-liberal attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, has strong-armed Xcel Energy into fanning the flames of global warming alarmism, the New York Times reports. Cuomo, who was Secretary of…

    Muammar Gaddafi, Wheeler and Dealer

    Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, the terrorist financier, continues his extreme image makeover. The longtime international pariah just cut a multi-billion dollar reparations deal with Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. According…

    Obama, Annenberg, Ayers-2

    How well did Obama know Bill Ayers? Was he “some guy who lives in my neighborhood”? Here’s a well-informed and well-reasoned blog speculating about how Barack Obama became chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and…

    Is Criticizing Politicians a Crime?

    Barack Obama’s presidential campaign really dislikes it when anyone points out anything that makes the Illinois senator look bad. The campaign asked the U.S. Justice Department to prosecute American…

    Obama, Annenberg and Ayers

    The University of Illinois has released documents relating to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the nonprofit education support group that in the 1990s was co-founded by education professor William Ayers and chaired…

    Liberal Intimidation

    Left-wingers have long said “the personal is political,” and they really mean it.  Desperate to regain credibility after presiding over the failure of the George Soros-sponsored 501(c)(4) pressure group…

    Lefties Go After Democrats

    Confident that Democrats will retain control of the next Congress, left-wingers are trying to purge the party of its more moderate lawmakers, the Wall Street Journal reported this week.

    The ‘Inconvenient Youth’ Scam

    Whatever happened to the good old days when manufactured corporate front groups were difficult to spot? Public relations powerhouse Burson-Marsteller claims teenagers were inspired by global warming profiteer Al…