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Reaction to “The Daily Show” Segment from the New York Times
Today I received the following email via Facebook from Dan Mitchell, a New York Times reporter. It was a reaction…
ACORN Worker Who Allegedly Uses Crack and is a Prostitute Arrested
An Ohio woman who is allegedly a crack cocaine user, prostitute, and ACORN worker, was arrested on drug and prostitution charges. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good that ACORN took…
ACORN versus ACORN: The Complaint from the Dissident ACORN 8’s Lawsuit Seeking Rathke Embezzlement-Related Documents
We got our hands on the legal complaint filed in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, by the dissident “ACORN 8.” This cluster of unhappy ACORNs is upset with fired ACORN founder Wade Rathke’s…
More ACORN Hypocrisy — Wade Rathke Railed Against ‘Interlocking Directorates’ in 1980 but Then Used Them to Build His Corrupt Empire
While researching an article for the American Spectator, I discovered a stunning bit of hypocrisy in ACORN’s past. Disgraced founder Wade Rathke, who was fired by ACORN’s board earlier this…
Let Freedom Ring’s
Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a conservative 501(c)(4) non-profit organization has produced a series of short issue-based videos questioning the policy positions of Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for president. The… Dusts Off Al Gore Again for Fundraising Letter once again has had the Democrats’ 2000 presidential candidate and climate alarmism entrepreneur Al Gore send out a solicitation email for urging MoveOn members to give money to Democratic candidates…
‘Nonpartisan’ ACORN’s Disorganizer In Chief Endorses Obama on Video
Bertha Lewis, interim chief organizer for the allegedly nonpartisan ACORN, released a video on YouTube (see video embedded below) endorsing Barack Obama for president. Here are the revelant passages: I want…
“Organization Watch” Discusses ACORN
Listen as co-hosts Matthew Vadum and Eric Heidenreich, of the Capital Research Center, discuss CRC’s massive expose on the group ACORN. Be sure to check out older shows while…
The Founding Fathers on Redistributionism
Sweetness & Light has a wonderful blog post on the Founding Fathers’ view on government-enforced wealth redistribution. The post contains the following quotations: “To take from one, because it…