October 1, 2008 saw the expiration of the moratorium on offshore drilling. It was lovingly dubbed “Energy Independence Day.” As noted in an early post, accessing domestic offshore oil…
Hawaii has decided to pull the plug on its socialist health care program for the state’s children just seven months after it was launched: Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration cited…
A state-run oil company in Cuba announced that it has approximately 20 billion barrels of oil in its offshore fields, which is more than double its previous estimates. If…
If you haven’t already done so, meet David Suzuki. He is Canada’s version of a more personable Al Gore. Suzuki is the face of Canadian environmentalism and he is…
ACORN doesn’t seem to have learned that if you’re going to lie, at least lie consistently. The radical left-wing group, which has been arguing strenuously that Project Vote is a…
Now this is funny. A major donor to the far-left group ACORN and its affiliates is…(drumroll)…the Robin Hood Foundation. Bada bing! The foundation has given ACORN $821,000 consisting of…
The “spread the wealth” statement that Joe the Plumber (real name: Joe Wurzelbacher) extracted from Barack Obama isn’t likely to sit well with Americans who continue, despite the best efforts…
Sol Stern of the Manhattan Institute has an excellent piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Ayers Is No Education ‘Reformer’ The new media spin is worse than Obama’s original…