
    Conservative Roundtable Video Now Available

    Capital Research Center’s Matthew Vadum appeared on “Conservative Roundtable” (with host Howard Phillips) recently. They discussed liberal philanthropist George Soros and his political activism. Here is the video:…

    Bill Simon Interview

    The Wall Street Journal has an interesting interview with conservative philanthropist Bill Simon. To safeguard the donor intent of its founder (his father), Simon’s foundation will spend itself out…

    “Fight Club” Redux

    A doctor is using the unwanted proceeds from liposuction to run his SUV. In other words, he takes the spare tires from his patients’ bodies and uses that fat as…

    Fort Dix Five = Bill Ayers

    The five Islamic terrorists convicted of conspiring to attack the military base at Fort Dix, New Jersey, are guilty of roughly the same thing evil hippy Bill Ayers is…

    Yes, We Cannabis

    Some pundits think President-elect Barack Obama might push to legalize marijuana. Perhaps the taxes the government would collect on pot sales would help to offset the New New Deal…

    NYT Hatchet Job on Bush

    On domestic policy, George W. Bush has been a terrible president. He sold out to the left early and often and when called on it has been irritatingly self-righteous. However,…