
    Hypocrisy on Geithner

    We keep hearing again and again and again from the media that Timothy Geithner, President-elect Obama’s choice as Treasury secretary, made an honest mistake in failing to pay employment taxes.

    Patrick McGoohan, RIP

      “I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.” –No. 6, a character in “The Prisoner” played by Patrick McGoohan,…


    At the lovefest that was Sen. Hillary Clinton’s nomination hearing for the post of U.S. secretary of state today, Richard Lugar, a Republican from Indiana, lamented that “nearly 1 billion people…

    Obama Meets with Conservative Pundits

    Marc Ambinder of the Atlantic reports that President-elect Barack Obama is dining tonight in the D.C. suburbs with conservative commentators David Brooks, William Kristol, and possibly George Will. “[E]stablishment opinion…

    Six Clinton Quid Pro Quos?

    Secretary of State nominee Hillary Clinton “intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband’s foundation,” AP reports after reviewing the New…

    ACORN 2009 Agenda

    ACORN, a major player in the mortgage meltdown, unveiled its 2009 agenda. Topping the list is “[a] mandatory 90-day moratorium on foreclosures will give our members across the nation…

    Merle Haggard Sues Green Group

    Country singer Merle Haggard is suing the environmentalist group, Green Train, claiming it used his name and likeness without his permission to raise money, according to reports.