
WSJ’s Thomas Frank Defends His Aspiring Mass Murderer Friend Bill Ayers

Attracted like a barn fly to a pile of fresh bull excrement, the Wall Street Journal’s resident lefty hack, Thomas Frank, reveals that he is friends with the unrepentant would-be mass murderer William Ayers.

In a column today titled, “My Friend Bill Ayers,” Frank attacks critics who have the temerity to point out that being a friend and political ally of someone whose terrorist group, the Weather Underground, aspired to murder hundreds of U.S. soldiers and their friends at a dance at Fort Dix is probably a very bad skeleton for a presidential candidate to have in his closet. Critics note that it is an especially bad thing when that terrorist leader is unrepentant and vows even now that he would do it again.

Frank argues this is all a big misunderstanding. Ayers is a great guy, Frank writes, who’s changed his ways and learned to live within the system he still says he wants to violently overthrow.

I can personally attest to the idiocy of it all because I am a friend of Mr. Ayers. In fact, I met him in the same way Mr. Obama says he did: 10 years ago, Mr. Ayers was a guy in my neighborhood in Chicago who knew something about fundraising. I knew nothing about it, I needed to learn, and a friend referred me to Bill.

Bill’s got lots of friends, and that’s because he is today a dedicated servant of those less fortunate than himself; because he is unfailingly generous to people who ask for his help; and because he is kind and affable and even humble. Moral qualities which, by the way, were celebrated boisterously on day one of the GOP convention in September.

I can personally attest to the idiocy of it all because I am a friend of Mr. Ayers. In fact, I met him in the same way Mr. Obama says he did: 10 years ago, Mr. Ayers was a guy in my neighborhood in Chicago who knew something about fundraising. I knew nothing about it, I needed to learn, and a friend referred me to Bill.

Bill’s got lots of friends, and that’s because he is today a dedicated servant of those less fortunate than himself; because he is unfailingly generous to people who ask for his help; and because he is kind and affable and even humble. Moral qualities which, by the way, were celebrated boisterously on day one of the GOP convention in September.

Frank is the writer who laments the supposed stupidity of his fellow Kansans for being duped into supporting American values like, for example, a love of capitalism and freedom. He is the master of leftist condescension who wrote the influential liberal tract, What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America.

As I wrote in April when the WSJ gave Frank a podium thus making him the in-house subversive, Frank leans heavily on the Marxist concept of “false consciousness.” He contends that the people of Red State America are too stupid or brainwashed (or both) to realize that voting Republican and/or supporting conservative public policy proposals is not in their best interests.

No wonder Frank is friends with Ayers, an “unfailingly generous” man who wants to turn America into a massive open-air Communist concentration camp.

Just days ago jury selection began in the trial of five accused Islamist terrorists who also wanted to kill U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix.

Perhaps in a few years Frank will befriend those enemies of America too.

Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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