Would-Be Mass Murderer and ACORN Supporter William Ayers Tells America “Get Over It”
Traitor and terrorist William Ayers is whining that he’s tired of being singled out for trying to kill hundreds of Americans. The New York Daily News reports:
The man the GOP loves to hate tiptoed out of hiding Sunday – if only to blast Fox News and the rest of the media for his predicament.
William Ayers, the ’60s radical who is one of John McCain’s talking points in his criticism of Barack Obama, told a Manhattan panel discussion audience he was tired of being used as cannon fodder in America’s political wars.
“[Fox host] Bill O’Reilly comes on his show and first thing he says is, ‘Why won’t this Ayers story die?'” Ayers told well-wishers. “And then he spends 10 minutes talking about it.”
Maybe Ayers should have thought of that before he blew up the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, and other targets and plotted to murder hundreds of U.S. soldiers at a dance in Fort Dix.
Ayers, of course, is also a big booster of radical left-wing group ACORN, a spinoff of Students for a Democratic Society, the same group that gave birth to Ayers’s terrorist group, the Weather Underground Organization.