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Terrorist Kimberlin’s bogus assault charges against Aaron Walker dropped
Investor’s Business Daily reporter David Hogberg reports that the frivolous assault charge that convicted “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin brought against conservative blogger Aaron Walker has been thrown out after the prosecutor declined to move forward with the case. Walker blogs under the name Aaron Worthing and had been a persistent critic of Kimberlin who is now a left-wing activist. (For background, read an article I wrote about Kimberlin here.)
Though clearly an affront to the U.S. Constitution’s free speech protections, the “peace order” Kimberlin previously obtained against Walker that prevents him from blogging about Kimberlin remains in effect, Hogberg writes on IBD’s blog, Capital Hill. Walker has appealed the ruling which was issued by retired Maryland judge Cornelius “InterTubes” Vaughey.